Thank you! Don't feel a day over 237 years!!!
Are you still planning on doing this? Have you been training for it? I am an active duty Marine (17.5 years) and am interested in why your friend would be doing a physical fitness test (PFT) in December. Is it just between the two of you? If you can fill me in on the other questions, I can give you some advice.…
I have to use the advice that was given to me as a child and then I passed on to my two sons. If you are being bullied, especially by a group, pick out the biggest one and punch him as hard as you possibly can right in the nose. That kid will be instantly stunned and it will be difficult for him to see. The others, most…
Can you use the words... defense, detail, and defeat in one sentence? Yes!
Had this, just couldn't type it fast enough. Although, I would walk as far as possible, normal, and then turn around just before he woke up. He would think that I had just past him and then carry me the rest of the way to the destination that I intended.
Why the hell would I be in New Hampshire to begin with?
Friday's the name of his horse!