

  • buy yourself some new workout clothes that you'll be excited to wear- that usually gets me back on track because i will actually WANT to work out just to wear the new pants/shirt/shoes whatever. way to confess though! ha. i don't think i would've admitted it to the public!
  • don't forget laxative diets. they just don't work- all you do is poo more often and while it moght feel like your losing weight you just lose water and risk your health. i had a few friends who tryed that as a teen and it led to one hospitalization, one set of dirty underwear because she couldn't control herself if you…
  • i think we all have that problem! "hey I'm down 10 punds, I can eat that now and it won't be too bad..." then you say that to yourself every time you want a candy or whatever the weakness is and you've gained half that weight back in a month. haha, it's an awful cycle but that's why we have eachother!
  • they make this gum that stops sugar cravings by making sweets taste gross after you chew, i guess it's supposed to help you stop eating sugar by making you not want it like a learned behavior or whatever.
  • pre-packaged vegetarian foods are pretty expensive but you can make your own stuff at home if you're willing to put a little time into your meals. regual tofu that comes packed in water is cheap and tastes great and you can stir fry or grill or use it as a base in pasta sauces or crumble it into stuff. also the soy curd…
  • what about xenical... anyone tried that?
  • lowcal french toast: 2 slices lowfat whole wheat bread mix 1 egg, cinnamon, splash soy milk or nonfat milk soak bread in mixture then cook in skillet with fat-free cooking spray till brown. store in baggie and pop in toaster oven in the AM then top with a little honey or lowfat syrup for an extra 100 calories. delicious.
  • oh, and as far as cereals for a snack: kashi go lean crunch is super hearty, has great chunks that make it feel like caramel popcorn balls or something, has lots of fiber and is just sweet enough.
  • thx everyone for the great ideas! songbyrd- you are genious! another cheap way to get that protein is tofu, it's easy to cook, comes in some great forms and costs way less than meat... well i think it does anyway i haven't ever bought meat... it's like 1.50 for firm regual tofu for stir fry, or a couple bucks for the kind…
  • i like it with diet tonic water and lots of lime....
  • squash is super easy and good with just salt and pepper so you don't add lots of calories. i like acoprn or butternut but whatever type you like just cut it in half and place face down in a casserol dish with a little water in the bottom. steam it like that for like 20 minutes then pull it out, let cool, scoop out insides…
  • when do we report in on our progress? i don't see anyone with their stats up yet?
  • Kate, 27, Baja California... Well, I've lost about 15 lbs in the last year by excersising and eating low cal versions of all the regular stuff and I have to say that it really isn't that hard to stick with when I just eat what I want except low cal. I tried lots of diets and they're great for temporary weight loss but…