

  • Other than meat...nuts are a good source of protein & also beans such as lentil or kidney beans. Peanut butter is good, but then you get into a fat content issue, so can't have too much of that.
    in Protein Comment by bk325f April 2010
  • I have the same breakfast each morning, so I log on at work for 5 minutes at lunch & input my lunch & breakfast. Then I can gauge how much room I have left and plan dinner portions appropriately. I log back on at night and fill out the dinner log and any snacks I've had. If I go over, I look back to see where I could have…
  • Nuts are great. I think almonds & pistachios are lower in fat than some of the other nuts, but I'm sure there's an expert out there than can confirm or clarify. Another good snack that's easy is part skim string cheese. It has about 1 carb & 6-8g of protein, depending on the brand. Check it out next time you get groceries.
  • One other thought... Sometimes I'll rent a real tear jerker movie to give myself permission to cry. Sometimes getting it out, even if it's with the excuse of a good chick flick, is enought to help relieve some of the emotional pressure. I'm not the emotional type and hate to let people see me cry, because I don't have a…
  • I know it sounds a bit commercial, but the first step is admitting & acknowledging the problem. It sounds like you are on the fence of this and just need a little push in that direction. It's okay to be upset, pissed, angry, mad, etc. What is important is that you don't let it run your life. Attitude is a decision that you…
  • I sometimes struggle with this. When I do good, I want to reward myself with a pizza or something sweet. It's taken an attitude change. I try to look at it as doing what I'm supposed to, instead of doing good. That way a reward isn't as appropriate. If you are really craving something sweet, it's not good to totally…
  • I had long thick hair (mid-back) & when it was wet (towel dried) it added about 2 pounds to my weight. When it's dry, it really just weighs a few ounces. I had it cut off 2 years ago for a surgery & am growing it back out. It really doesn't impact my weight at all, although I'd like to think it does. I'm guessing that it's…
  • That's just 2 pounds a week, so should be do-able. Rather that's a safe amount or not depends on your current weight & body fat percents. It's not generally safe to lose a lot of weight fast. If it's just this one little spurt, then that may be an okay pace temporarily, then you could back off to 1 pound a week until you…
    in 20 days Comment by bk325f June 2009
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