Ugh -- I lack the motivation, I guess... Help!!

I do good one day, the next day I do horrible! Yesterday, I went all day with no sweets. Had sweets the day before. And, had LOTS of sweets today. It's like I do great for one day and go back to my old ways the next day, but go back to being good then next, and on and on. I'm coming out and saying... I need HELP!! If there's any advice you can give me, please do! I've tried gum, I've tried drinking lots of water... nothing seems to stop the... "I want the junk food!" mindset. It's not that I'm extremely overweight or anything. I'm actually in the "healthy" mark but I still want to lose at least... AT LEAST... 10 more pounds by the end of this month to the beginning of January. The latest of January 10 or so. I have to go into David's Bridal and get my bridesmaid dress altered for my brother's wedding in March, so I'm wanting to get the weight loss done by then. Is it possible?! I'm really struggling here. :frown: :sad:


  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Ah, Me too! It's like every time i get going life gets crazy! Snacking has also become a part of my study routine. Maybe you could find something to keep your mind off of it. I know easier said than done. Use it as a reward maybe? maybe thats bad. Haha I haven't been too successful and therefor can't help you too much, But i would also love to hear some advice.
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    It's all about the willpower. Just think to yourself every time you want candy "I am going to regret eating this and nothing I eat will taste as good as I will feel when I hit my target weight." I also like blowpops to cover candy cravings cuz they're super sweet and once you're done with the sucker part you get yummy gum!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Oh man, when I'm in your shoes, I binge.. I can't help myself.. so what I suggest (& I will try it myself) is to TRASH it (GASPPP)! I am gonna do that the next time I can't stop... I have done it only once before... Good luck!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Everytime you want that sweet, grab an apple or some other kind of fruit instead. I know that's hard, but this is what I did, and had to FORCE myself to sometimes, and after awhile the strangest thing happened, I started to want that apple instead of the cookie! It took about 6 months, but it really did work for me!
  • boomersooner806
    I'm having such a hard time! I feel like anytime I start doing good, I get back into the slump. I'm so bummed out!
  • bk325f
    I sometimes struggle with this. When I do good, I want to reward myself with a pizza or something sweet. It's taken an attitude change. I try to look at it as doing what I'm supposed to, instead of doing good. That way a reward isn't as appropriate.

    If you are really craving something sweet, it's not good to totally deprive yourself. Giving up that brownie after dinner can mean half the pan at midnight. Try an apple or something else sweet with some nutritional value. The Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and fudge bars are a great way to cure a sweet tooth without a lot of calories.

    The other thing to do is to wait. When you want a sweet snack, get up and go for a short walk. If you still want it when you get back, then have something small. A lot of times, exercising will stop the cravings.
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    i think the best thing would be to just think about why you dont want to eat it. maybe get a pic of the dress and keep it on the fridge or something. my aunt had to lose weight but was in no way motivated but she needed surgery. she was in reallyy bad pain but they refused to do it until she got the weight off so everytime she went to eat something bad she had to think about why she cant so thats my best advice, just concentrate on how happy you'll be at your goal and its not even that far away :) also you can try something sweet that is more healthy like fruit.
  • boomersooner806
    The only reason why I had the package of M&Ms, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mini laffy taffy's today is because I went to where my mother works, which happens to be right across the street from the junior high (where I am subbing today) and I had a conference period and I walked over and just kept snacking and binging on everything... I'm so disappointed in myself! But, I thank you ALL for the wonderful advice you have given me so far. I will definitely try the fruit... I just bought a TON of fruit yesterday, so I'll make sure to carry something with me at all times just in case I do have that sweet tooth craving. OR, even try the walk like bk325f said! Because, once I start with the sweets, I can't stop!!!
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: Biggest Loser always recommends chewing Extra gum to curb the sweet craving and also that chewing helps also fool your mind or body that it is being satisfied, I do it and it acutally does help! Also when the gun just doesn't hit the spot I drink a can of Diet A&W Rootbeer because it is sweet and satisfies my craving!! The secret is stop being so hard on yourself and say ok I screwed up today and will start fresh this very minute. Like if you didn't eat right at lunch you make up your mind to eat right at dinner, remember small steps in the journey is the best! :smile:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Don't be hard on yourself! It's difficult to break old habits.

    I'm in the same boat! It's very frustrating!
    I crave salts, not sweets but it makes me feel bad all around. (If anyone has any tips to ward off salt cravings, I'm all ears!)

    What I would suggest for sweet cravings would be a can of diet soda. It's sweet without calories and I find that it fills me up a bit.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • boomersooner806
    Good advice with the diet soda!! And, I LOVE diet root beer!! :love:
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    My best advice would be to not have any of your trigger foods in the house, period! I find that this is the easiest way to avoid them!!! So don't buy off-limit things, & stock up on healthy sugar free/fat free sweets (like pudding, yogurt, granola bars, etc.). You'll thank yourself later!
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    your body is addicted to them. It is HARD to get off them, but I can tell you, the longer you stay totally away from them the easier it gets... after 3-4 weeks your body basically cleanses itself of the "need" for sweets and you will then not crave them so much. just keep away from them for a month completely and see what happens, just takes a little willpower, you wont die without them (even though you might think you will, i sure did LOL)

    good luck
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks for all the reassurance and motivation ladies!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    The other thing that as helped me is to only eat them 1 day a week. After a while I got to the point where I didn't even want them on that day. Or I'll just have 1 sweet at night then brush my teeth so I can't eat any more.