

  • I am 5'8 and 187. I used to be around 225 or so last summer. In high school I was 150, but I still looked very heavy. I think I'm going to try to get around 130-140 this time and see if that suits me better. I am currently a size 16. When I was 150 I was around a 14. I clearly hold most of my weight in my bottom half, haha.
  • I'm not really sure. I've been overweight since third grade, but I guess it was a combination of growing up in a household of sweet-loving people, my parent's divorce (I lived with my dad, he wasn't the best cook, we'd eat a lot of unhealthy things and I'd eat my feelings at being away from my mother), and genetics. Also,…
  • I was diagnosed with depression in high school and quit taking anti-depressants toward the end of my senior year (honestly, they just were not for me). It's been three years and I think I'm considerably different and happier now, but I still have my down periods. I am an emotional eater and that's been my main problem with…
  • I've been thirty pounds more than my current weight and forty pounds less, but my pants size has never changed. I've been a size 14 since sixth grade. I'm hoping that this time, my body composition has magically changed and that my legs will lose weight a bit faster this time, but eh... I'm fairly certain it's genetic. My…
  • Those faces!
  • We rehabilitated this little cutie a few years ago and released her into the wild, but she comes back all the freaking time, so I guess she's like a pet. Here's how she plays, so... yeah: Then here's my bunny: I think she's a Netherland Dwarf Do not combine bunny with raccoon...
  • I really like grapefruits. My boyfriend doesn't understand. Not too exotic, but eh.
  • The pill has really helped my mood swings. Also, remember the worse you eat while PMSing, the worse you're going to feel and act. I thought this was just a ploy to get me to eat better, but then I realized there really is a correlation between how much chocolate I was stuffing in my face when I was PMSing and how angry I…
  • I can absolutely relate to this. When I was in high school, I lost 60 pounds (I have been overweight since third grade), but the person I saw in the mirror never changed. I thought that I must have lost weight in really odd places (chest, neck, face) because I couldn't see it at all. I was receiving all of these…
  • I don't think the time you eat really matters, as long as you're meeting your calorie goal and exercising :) I know some people don't feel well or can't sleep if they eat close to bedtime, and I suppose it might skew your weight in the early morning if you don't have time to pass it out of your system or something, but…
  • My family had a really old scale that underestimated my weight by 20 lbs. Ouch. Getting weighed by the doctor for the first time in years was an eye-opener. Also, realizing I was only 15 lbs less than my dad (a pretty large man) was shocking.
  • I did Insanity quite a while ago and I didn't lose any weight during the first half or so (it began to pick up toward the end), but I definitely noticed a change in my legs and butt immediately. They just looked tighter. I wish I had taken measurements before beginning, but I'm pretty sure I lost some thigh inches. I think…
  • I think I've gained two or three... Pizza explosion + new birth control + no cardio = sad time.
  • I don't even weigh myself during my periods. They're just too whack. I think I gained like 6 whole pounds last time and then peed for three days straight.
  • Honestly the only reason I cut back was for my teeth, haha. I am in the process of whitening them and it seems kind of counter-productive to drink a lot of brown things (I'm still working on coffee...).
  • Mine seem to be from sugar, caffeine, and seafood (even just the smell gives me migraines). I have a lot of smell-based triggers, I think.