PMS sabotaging my efforts each month..


I am new here and this is my first post. :)

I am writing because I have the same problem occur each and every month and I was hoping perhaps someone here would have some good advice for me. Advice from either gender is appreciated!

Basically, I do fantastic all month long and then at the end of the month... PMS strikes. The problem is that I get quite severe PMS. It isn't just a matter of having some cravings.. It changes my entire personality.

When I am PMSing, I no longer care if I eat right or lose weight. I come to the conclusion that none of this is worth it and that I should just "party and enjoy my life." The PMS gives me such a negative attitude, and one that is so contrary to my goals that I end up binge eating and often binge drinking beer... And then I gain back all or much of the weight I lost that month.

I have no idea what to do. I went to my doctor and asked for help. She recommended I go on birth control, however I really don't want to. For one, it causes weight gain.. something I'm not thrilled about.. And secondly, I am scared of the risks like cervical cancer. I try to keep chemicals out of my body as much as I possibly can.

However, at this point, I am pretty much ready to try anything. Is there another medication besides birth control that can help?

Are there other methods or things I can try to help?

Thank you so much for your time and support!



  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I almost didn't post because I don't want to sound negetive.... so please understand that I am really not trying to be!

    You say you don't want to add chemicals to your body... but you binge on beer and junk food. If your PMS is really that bad that it is changing your whole outlook on life, maybe you should look into your doctor's advice just a bit. Otherwise you will be struggling your whole life with this un-necessarily it seems.

    Aside from that, you have lost 8 pounds! That is super exciting and shows that you are working to be a healthier, happier YOU! Maybe during your TOM you could arm yourself with lots of good, and healthy food choices so that you don't binge on crap. Get out and exercise more during this time so that you have LESS time to dwell on the bad stuff. But most importantly you need to remember that this weight loss journey that you are on is all about YOU, because you are worth it!
    "It comes down to a simple question: what do you want out of life, and what are you willing to do to get it?" This journey is not only physical but mental as well... probably more so. :flowerforyou: I wish you the best of luck, truly.
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    I lost 32lbs on birth control (combined-pill) two years increases your hungry but doesn't actually put pounds onto you! I just ate more healthy foods!
    On the other hand I have the mirena coil atm and I am really struggling to lose weight and Ive heard on the grape vine that the coil lowers your metabolism and makes it really hard to lose weight but I don't have any real evidence on that!
    Maybe do some research and see whats out there, there is so many options out there
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    I get pretty bad PMS too (the emotional side). I have found that when I am eating highly nutritious foods, my moods are much more stable, and I do NOT crave junk food. I first learned this when I began incorporating "superfoods" (Pratt's book) into my diet - 10 a day.

    It also helps me to have my period on the calendar, so that as it approaches, I tell myself - any big upsets I feel, any big discussions I want to start, any big life changes I want to make HAVE to be tabled until next week. Then I'll know how much my hormones were talking, and how much truth there is here.

    My husband is good at kindly reminding me that I'm on my period when I get crazy. Of course, I usually say, "That's not why I'm upset!!" (but then I realize that it, in fact, is. :) ). If you're not married, you could ask a roommate or friend to help you out like this.

    Best of luck incorporating some of the ideas you find here!
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Unfortunately, I understand where you are coming from. I do really well for three weeks, and then the week leading up to my period (and it starting) I eat everything in the house. All reason leaves my brain. Willpower fades away. I don't have an answer for you. But, I can share what I am trying to do and so far, it has worked through one cycle..... I am making healthier choices and staying on track. When I start to make a bad choice, I stop and ask myself if I really want to go that route, and remind myself that I am smart enough to make good choices and it's time I grew out of my cyclical eating. It doesn't always stop me from eating the "unhealthy" item, but it does stop me from eating the entire box.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Birth control does not, by itself, cause weight gain. I lost 40lbs while taking birth control. Most birth control reduces your risk of ovarian and breast cancer, and since cervical cancer is almost always caused by HPV, even though taking BC affects the susceptibility of cervical cells to HPV, the fact that women who take birth control are at a higher risk of developing it is probably an indirect correlation.

    I also hate the idea of subjecting my body to chemicals. However, it may be worth it to try it for a few months. There are really no correlations between cancer risk and birth control unless you've been taking it for more than a couple of years.
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I get pretty bad PMS too (the emotional side). I have found that when I am eating highly nutritious foods, my moods are much more stable, and I do NOT crave junk food. I first learned this when I began incorporating "superfoods" (Pratt's book) into my diet - 10 a day.

    It also helps me to have my period on the calendar, so that as it approaches, I tell myself - any big upsets I feel, any big discussions I want to start, any big life changes I want to make HAVE to be tabled until next week. Then I'll know how much my hormones were talking, and how much truth there is here.

    My husband is good at kindly reminding me that I'm on my period when I get crazy. Of course, I usually say, "That's not why I'm upset!!" (but then I realize that it, in fact, is. :) ). If you're not married, you could ask a roommate or friend to help you out like this.

    Best of luck incorporating some of the ideas you find here!

    Great idea about the calendar! I am going to start doing that one too. I also notice the week leading up to my period, not only am I super moody and hungry, but my BP goes up!
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I feel you, I just went through this myself this month. For me, my energy tanks, it seems to take everything I have to lift my head and get out of bed. Pain is excruciating and I literally feel murderous.

    What I do is just say I will just cut my workout in half. 20 min instead of 40. I actually complete my full workout once I start, but I tell myself I only have to do 15-20 min. Eat if you feel you need to, but decide you will make low sodium choices. You are already retaining water, the sodium makes it soooo much worse, and you will feel even worse. You will find if you choose the banana instead of the chips, you really are going to feel better during this time. Drink lots of water! If you feel you HAVE to have a soda, drink half a glass of water first. I try to trick myself, If I HAVE to eat those chips, eat a piece of fruit first, If you HAVE to eat that Pizza, eat a salad before your first bite of pizza.

    Also, you may want to think about what the doctor suggests. I have both lost and gained weight on BC pills over the years, the reality is. Its 95% your diet and exercise.
  • anitadeag
    anitadeag Posts: 2 Member
    I was the same way. My gyno put me on Sarafem, taking two weeks prior to your period. Hubby could not thank the doctor enough and said it saved our marriage! (a bit of an exaggeration ... I think! :laugh: ) But I eventrually switched to Bupropion and now take daily. I do get a little more emotional around "that time", but nothing near what it used to be. Vitamin B Complex is supposed to be good for that too .... hope you find somthing that works for you! Good luck.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    yup. it's true. weight gain.... it's an urban myth. generally brought on b/c people used to get married when they started takign the pill, and then you weren't as worried about keeping up appearances b/c you already had someone.

    And i have to agree with the poster who said if you're drinking beer, synthetic versions of hormones that are already present in your body are a negligible "chemical" issue.

    So hop on the pill. it's so nice. i have such lighter and shorter periods... well, i used to, now i do seasonale, 4 periods a year, or for someone like me, none. so nice. and cheaper too since i only liked the expensive tampax pearl and always liners.

    Birth control does not, by itself, cause weight gain. I lost 40lbs while taking birth control. Most birth control reduces your risk of ovarian and breast cancer, and since cervical cancer is almost always caused by HPV, even though taking BC affects the susceptibility of cervical cells to HPV, the fact that women who take birth control are at a higher risk of developing it is probably an indirect correlation.

    I also hate the idea of subjecting my body to chemicals. However, it may be worth it to try it for a few months. There are really no correlations between cancer risk and birth control unless you've been taking it for more than a couple of years.
  • hippichic3
    hippichic3 Posts: 6
    Hello Michele
    I too have issues with emotional eating during PMS. As you said, I can eat everything in sight, even foods I don't like. I also find I drink more during that time as well.

    Here's what worked for me these past two cycles - note my cycle dates on the calendar, journaling my food (especially during this time - every cookie has to be accounted for), walking more, portioned healthy snacks in baggies ready to go, and as someone else mentioned I tell myself I only have to do 1/2 my workout (but always stay for the whole thing once I get started).

    Here's some of my favorite snacks - Sensible Portions Veggie Straws (38 straws), PopChips (22 chips), Almond Dream Bites (5pcs/80 cal), melons slices, SMOOTHIES. And I have ONE Capt Morgan (1.5 oz) and Diet Coke each night during this time. I also eat 2 ReBody Hunger Chews a day (helps with Seratonin levels).

    At least you have lost weight, I'm now recording my first month of loss. Best of luck to you -
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I had completely horrific PMS for a while and I looked into it and found that often, severe PMS is linked to low levels of calcium and B vitamins in your diet. I also had bad insomnia, which are linked to the same I started taking B complex and a Calcium/Magnesium tablet and I noticed a HUGE difference the following month. HUGE!

    Also, when I started my diet back in January, I started with a 3 week program that was basically super low fat/no sugar/no processed carbs/high protein and I didn't drink for 3 weeks. The next period I had after that I had almost zero PMS, zero acne, and NO cramps at all.

    As I added not-so-great foods back into my diet and had occasional "splurge" days, I noticed that my PMS came back. It's not as bad, but treating my body really well definitely paid off in that area.
  • Thank you so much everyone for all the great answers!

    I think this month I will try the Vit D, B complex and calcium/magnesium and see if those help. I've also been tracking my period so at least I will know when the PMS is going to hit. Someone on another site also recommended trying Saint John's Wort during the PMS week only, so I may try that as well. :)
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    I made the exact same post once. lol.

    People said, "PMS is not sabotaging your diet, you are.."

    I call bs on that, big time. But just remember, stick it out--try to stay as close to your calorie goal as possible--splurge a little on some chocolate, and then when TOM comes the cravings will vanish and you'll right be back on track.
  • I so feel your frustration; I have the same issues. I too went and saw my gyno and didn't want to take birth control so she recommended taking Vitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin D and Bcomplex. It's helped A LOT!!! I also use the calendar to keep track and the week before my period I up my potassium intake which my gyno recommended. Good Luck to you!!!
  • kittycraft
    kittycraft Posts: 17
    The pill has really helped my mood swings. Also, remember the worse you eat while PMSing, the worse you're going to feel and act. I thought this was just a ploy to get me to eat better, but then I realized there really is a correlation between how much chocolate I was stuffing in my face when I was PMSing and how angry I was and how bad my cramps were. I think caffeine in general might be the culprit. Then, when I'm feeling angry and crampy, I just want to eat more bad stuff because I "deserve it" and it begins a slippery hate spiral.

    If you do happen to go on the pill, be forewarned that the first month may make you feel even worse. It took me a good three months to adjust to them. Just keep going!