Insanity not working - now what?



  • kittycraft
    kittycraft Posts: 17
    I did Insanity quite a while ago and I didn't lose any weight during the first half or so (it began to pick up toward the end), but I definitely noticed a change in my legs and butt immediately. They just looked tighter. I wish I had taken measurements before beginning, but I'm pretty sure I lost some thigh inches. I think my waist and arms stayed pretty constant. I also noticed that I was way more flexible after having done Insanity. I was really surprised that I didn't lose more weight when starting because I was very overweight, but eh, I looked better and felt better so who cares. Even if you're not doing it for 100% weight loss anymore, do it just to prove to yourself that you can.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    You probably gained weight but lost inches thats why measuring before insanity is very important
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Personally, I don't think you are eating nearly enough. I'm 5'4, 139 and am eating TDEE -15% at 1769 cal. I do not eat back unless I'm under my BMR.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    You're making the one mistake EVERYONE makes when doing something like this:

    You're weighing yourself, using the scale to track your progress.

    Take your scale and put it away until after you've completed the entire 60 days. Stop weighing yourself right now. I can guarantee you it IS working, just not in ways the scale can track.

    *prepares to get jumped on by female users*

    This is why women are so much more likely to fall off the wagon than men. Women for whatever reason seem to place a higher value on weight alone.

    "oh, my pants fit better and I'm seeing more definition. but because the scale says the same thing I must not be losing anything." WRONG!

    If you're active doing anything that's high intensity and incorporates a form of resistance training (lot of calisthenics/bodyweight training in Insanity) you will see muscle gain and water retention. Of course you'll see better results ACCORDING TO THE SCALE when not doing exercise and just dieting because you're not GAINING anything. You're not gaining muscle and you're not retaining water. You're just losing body mass which is both MUSCLE AND FAT.

    Now, get back to it and don't weigh yourself. At all.

    I actually JUST Started trying to break myself of the weight obsessed habit. I went a month and a half only losing approximately five pounds and was going nuts, then tried on a pair of size 11 jeans and they fit... I was a 14 at the beginning of that month and a half. I decided to start taking measurements and measure my body fat % every few weeks instead.

    It's so freakin true. guru. :P
  • alkencka
    alkencka Posts: 10
    I use insanity (third week in), only lost 1 pound, but I have lost inches. I think I am not eating enuf. But what is interesting, when you go onto and look at the comparison of products, Insanity is not listing under Weight Loss.

    It is listed under Cardio/Fat Burning, but not Weight Loss workouts.
  • Yeah I have the same problem. Except for me I'm already in the 2nd month and still no results... Iv'e been eating healthy like eggs, oatmeal, tuna salads and what not. But I'm not really happy with my weight. The difference between you and me though is that I'm 205 and I feel very uncomfortable with my weight. And I've been uncomfortable for years. This is about the 5th attempt at insanity and this is the farthest I've gotten and I'm committed to finish, but I thought I would at least got some sort if results by now...

    I can see more definition in my arms though. My biceps are harder and I can sometimes see veins in my hands and forearms, my back seems pretty defined from all those push ups, and my calves are definitely popping up more,so that's a plus. But no matter what i do I can't seem to get rid of my belly fat, or my.. Excuse me.. "Man breasts" that are very unnatural and uncomfortable for me being a guy...

    All that aside though I'm gonna keep going and you should too, I know this post is a couple years old, so i don't know if you reached your goal or not, but don't stop whatever you do :)
  • rishro29
    rishro29 Posts: 1
    I did insanity for a month (plan on starting over next week) and I'm not gonna lie. I didn't lose ANY weight until over a month or two after I had stopped insanity. You gain a LOT of muscle with insanity (and remember muscle weighs more than fat). Don't only pay attention to what you weigh on the scale but get into the habit of measuring yourself. I lost about 8 inches over my whole body just doing insanity for a month. Don't get discouraged.