ProfRuth Member


  • Hello, I am 52. I work at a computer all day and finding time to exercise takes a lot of planning and motivation for me. Frankly, I love to eat and have very little time to cook. This is a bad combination! I usually end up grabbing fast food. My biggest motivator (aside from my 35th high school reunion next year) is to…
  • This is something I've struggled with, too. I work from home (online) and it is totally isolating. My husband is great, too, but there are two problems: (1) He's a man and doesn't usually want to talk as much as I do, and (2) I don't think I should put all of my social neediness on him. It's too much to ask of one person.…
  • I'm from the Tampa Bay area.
  • Sue, I'm 50 on the 18th. Let's celebrate! Ruth