
  • Gill_L
    Gill_L Posts: 69
    Very happy today with a 2lb loss :). Its a long Bank Holiday weekend here for the Queens Diamond Jubilee so I ended up having macdonalds on Friday as I was out and about ,I was at a barbecue (ended up indoors because it rained cats and dogs lol) yesterday, then today visited friends and had dinner there so I am very pleased with myself to not have gained. Had some time on the Wii doing Step and also done the Leslie Sansone part one walk at home. Am going to try part two tomorrow.
    Hope everyone has a good week :))
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just a quick post

    So happy to see all the newcomers.
    Support here is awesome.
    And how well everyone is doing.
    Hope everyone has a great week.
    So I figured I better post my goals for June.

    64+oz of water daily.
    be able button my 20 year old pair 501 jeans (can get them on)
    strength training 2x a week
    30 minutes plus of aerobics every day.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    On 7am train to visit my mum. Will take 2 trains and a bus and 2 hours to get there. Usually take the car but there is a severe weather warning issued.
    Have to take her into city for dinner tonight to meet up with my brother for dinner. He lives 2000kms away and is in for business. Of course weather permitting. Not sure how I will get home or when. No chance of exercise today.
    I will allow today to unfold and will enjoy it.

    Cheers Jenni in Sydney Australia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I think someone mentioned McDonalds. When we were in Paris at the Louvre, Vince HAD to have a McDonalds since there you can get a beer. He still has the receipt, a Big Mac and a beer!

    Jenni - safe travels! You are a wonderful daughter

    Well, we decorated the train cake tonight. I bought this Wilton icing that Beth wanted to use. After we were finished and I was cleaning up, I ate some of the icing. Why oh why did I do that? It wasn't even good. As a matter of fact, I think I'm just going to donate the rest of the icing. I guess I'm just so used to icing made from scratch with real ingredients, that this was such a disappointment. But I still had to have some, even tho I didn't care for it. Now my stomach feels "yuk".

    I gave Beth some of the butterscotch oatmeal cookies that I made and I'll take the rest to the bowling alley tomorrow. I also gave her a piece of the key lime pie for her mother.

    Well, off to take a shower. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • ProfRuth
    ProfRuth Posts: 4 Member

    I'm 50 on the 18th. Let's celebrate!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone!

    Well mom is now on hospice. She is still at home. It is called a pallative hospice vs the terminal hospice. They put her on this because she has a lack of will to thrive. She just lies there and barely moves, barely wants to move her arms .....just to eat and that is always a mess to clean up afterward. At any rate the insurance co. has deemed it necessary and in some aspects it helps me out some now. I no longer have to pay someone to bathe her, they provide it 3 times an week now. She has a RN come in once a week and a social worker. The insurance has approved physical therapy for her ....again, but really I don't see the point of it anymore. She doesn't want to work at it. Hospice does provide me respite care now every couple of months for 5 days at a time. So my guy and I went to Vegas and Laughling for a week and my son stayed at my home to watch the puppies for me.

    Preparing for the vacation was so stressful!:noway: Coordinating, doctors and bathing and medications to be sent, clothes to be packed, ambulance pick up and return appointments! And that was just for MOM!! Then I had to prepare my home for my son with supplying food for him and my puppies, and informing management that he would be here for a week so they wouldn't kick him out! I finally got to myself the night before I left. I was so exhausted that I got sick and was so nauseated that I couldn't bend over without tossing my cookies and my head was killing me, so my friend literally helped me pack my clothes and we were up until 2 am doing it. I was ot going to allow me being sick to ruin everything that I had planned for vacation!!:grumble: So the next morning I left at 6 am and for 3 days I was sicker than a dog. I kept thinking, "Why is this happening to me???" I must give kudos to my guy though. He absolutely took amazing care of me. Literally pampered me. Waited on me hand and foot. I wouldn't have made it without him. This was the first time I had been sick around him and I was so embarrassed for him to see me this way, but he handled it like a pro, and told me it was no big deal It wasn't unitl Wednesday that I felt human again. Thursday came and I wanted to do everything!! Mind you, we were coming home on Friday. But we did alot on those last 2 days and have great memories of it.

    I didn't have mom come home unitl 8 pm that Friday night! I wanted to savor every minute I had of freedom.:happy:

    Oh! Did I mention that on the second day of my vacation that I received a call from the hospital she was staying at, saying it was an emergency that my moom speak to me? Turns out mom imagined a phone call she supposingly received that someone had informed her that I was dead. It took a half an hour to convince her I was alive and calm her down. :noway: Then the administrative department asked me if I could come in the next day for a meeting to discuss treatment for her. I said, "Uhhh....I am on vacation...in Vegas....and she is only there for respite care. I am not coing to any meetings and do not want any phone calls unless she is dying!!" they apologized to me and I didn't hear from them the rest of the week.:tongue:

    Another good thing about that week was I didnt gain any weight. Apparently I was too sick to want to pig out on yummy stuff, Nothing looked good.:laugh: Oh well. :ohwell:

    Well back to taking care of mom again.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to all the new women.

    Healing thoughts and prayers to those in need.
    Congratulations to all those who have made progress toward goals.

    Hope everyone is doing well so far this week.

  • ma6791
    ma6791 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been to these boards before but it was quite a while ago and as has happened often with me, I "fell off the wagon." But I never quit trying! I have been using another tracking program but there were some things I like better with MFP so I'm back here. I am a young (I think?!!) 69 year old and am hoping to make some good friends who will travel this journey with me and we can help to support each other. Oh, and I'm also diabetic II so would be happy to get to know other diabetes too to support and be supported. Even though I've been diabetic for several years now I still struggle to keep my carbs down. It seems like all I'm ever hungry for are carbs!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning everyone

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back doobiedoo good to hear from you.

    :flowerforyou: Chicklet I was wondering how you were getting on. What a shame you got sick for most of your holiday/vacation, but at least you had a few days to enjoy yourself. You should start planning for the next one :bigsmile: something to look forward to. Glad your "manfriend" looked after you. Pleased your mum is getting extra care now too, it must still be stressful for you, but at least you now have help.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Shirley I had to take another look at my profile pic and yes it does look as if I have a glass of wine in each hand, but the red wine is in the hand of my friend Rachel who's cut out of the pic :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm not a lover of red wine I prefer white sparkling type wines.

    Well I'd better get moving, been sat too long at the computer, was surfing the net for broadband deals, need to change mine as soon as I can.

    :flowerforyou: Have a good day everyone.

  • mametza
    mametza Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya, been here for a while now and reached my goal and need to maintain and not go back up again....this group sounds great and it's inbspiring to read every ones comments....all the best for June everyone....denise..x
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning! It is always good to read each of your posts. I hope we spur each other on. I had to tell myself to "Just do it!" this morning to do my walking on the treadmill. I was really surprised how many calories I went over yesterday. That's why posting is soooo good. I look forward to getting back into the routine of it all. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Tuesday morning, everyone :yawn:

    Are we all inspired today? :ohwell: Are we ready to plan what we eat and eat what we plan? :smile: Are we ready to M-O-V-E? :explode: (I had to do that, give myself a bit of a cheer leader boost! :laugh: )

    It’s is the year of strikes for this family. It looks like DH will be on strike beginning next week. Not too terrifying until July & August, when I don’t get paid. I hate the idea of having to dip into savings or go into debt just to meet daily living expenses. I know some of you have been living with this kind of stress for a while and I sure appreciate what you've been going through. DH says not to worry, just manage what ever comes along. I can’t help worrying, though.

    Michelle, will regard to vegetables, I’d cook them all. Left over veggies make great salad filler the day after! The beer at places like MacDonalds is one reason my DH loves Europe :drinker: he should meet Vince.

    Gill, congratulations on your weight loss. You’re working hard for it. :flowerforyou:

    Jenni, I hope your day with your mum and brother turned out to be a good one, no floods or other sever weather.

    Good to hear from you, Chiclet, and glad to know you are getting help with your mom.

    'Tis raining here, as it usually does in June. I am off to study English grammar and prepare for my TOESL test.

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I need some inspiration for good breakfasts. My routine breakfast is Rogers Porridge, with a banana and cinnamon. I'm getting tired of the routine & looking for different ideas. I'm not fixated on "breakfast" food. How do you start the day?
  • apbush10
    apbush10 Posts: 7 Member
    My goals for June are to get under 200 lbs, go to the gym 3 days a week, and walk more often. I have 10 lbs to go to get under 200.
  • apbush10
    apbush10 Posts: 7 Member
    Since I have been trying to lose weight I eat a smoothie in the morning and it usually lasts until 11 or so before I get hungry. I eat at around 6:30 in the morning.

    I make the smoothy myself. 1/2 cup of nonfat plain yogurt, one banana, and either strawberries, blueberries or pineapple - some times a mixture of all. But always the yogurt and banana. Mix them all up in the blender and that's that.

    Try it.

  • nancyki
    nancyki Posts: 46
    Hello ladies :-)

    My goals for the month of June are
    * track everything eaten on MFP regardless of volume
    * stay on my weekly goal of 1430cals/day (I find this easier than expecting perfection daily - just so the week is good!)
    * increase the morning dog walks from 20 to 30 minutes
    * be nice to my roommate who leaves end of July (FINALLY!!!)
  • apbush10
    apbush10 Posts: 7 Member
    I need some inspiration for good breakfasts. My routine breakfast is Rogers Porridge, with a banana and cinnamon. I'm getting tired of the routine & looking for different ideas. I'm not fixated on "breakfast" food. How do you start the day?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a windy Tuesday,

    Chiclet - so good to hear from you. Sorry about your Mom:flowerforyou: you have been so faithful in taking care of her for so long. Glad you were able to get a vacation break too.

    Nancy- breakfast for me has been an egg souffle, I take 1 serving each of egg beaters regular & whites, add 2 Tablespoons of fat free cottage cheese and 1 Tablespoon of diced green chiles, bake it at 350 for about 35-38 min. I bake enough for the work week on Sunday and bring it to work to eat at my desk while I clean up my emails. I heat it up in the microwave for 3 min on power 7...it's pretty filling and then I have one of my six week rasin bran muffins. I usually feel like I have had a good start to the day after that. Sorry your hubby will be striking, hoping it gets settled soon:drinker:

    Welcome to the newbies and Welcome back to those that are returning:flowerforyou:

    it took me quite a bit of time to read all the posts from over the weekend and yesterdays and no more time now.

    Picked up #3 son & DIL yesterday from their trip to Rwanda, sounds like they had a pretty good time building a house. Glad to have them back. We did Mexican food for dinner last night and considering I wasn't able to get any cardio exercise in I did pretty good. Now to hold on for my weigh in tomorrow.

    Keep up the great job everyone is doing, take it one day at a time remember to log, drink and move:drinker:

  • gwenafred
    gwenafred Posts: 1
    I am new to MFP looking forward to getting to know people and sharing information. :smile:
  • heniaY
    heniaY Posts: 1
    I tend to change my breakfast daily. No real plan, just whatever I feel like in the morning. Some breakfasts I regularly do are:

    - oat meal (instant, made with skim milk)
    - fruit drink (banana, apple, a few strawberries and blueberries, all blended in a blender with about cup of light Ocean Spray cranberry juice to thin it down - this makes 3-4 glasses of healthy breakfast for the whole family)
    - small omelette (with egg whites and some cut veggies and grated cheese)
    - half a muffin (this is usually a leftover from my daughter's breakfast)

    With regards to my goal for June, it is really driven by my goal for the rest of the year. I am trying to lose another 25-30 pounds by December this year. This brings me to 4-5 pounds weight loss per month. I work out regularly, and if I am disciplined on how I eat, this should be a piece of cake :smile: