

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Did you see that post yesterday? 60 minutes of s-l-o-w walking? I can walk! :bigsmile: Well, not really walking, but I can hobble in my robo-boot and it sure beats crutches and wheel chairing. That 60 minutes was puttering around the house. I would not usually log something like that, but it felt so good to type "walking"! Six weeks left in the boot, but it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Now that I’m back on my feet I can see all the clutter:grumble: than DH and J’boy pushed to the back of the counters while I was out of sight.

    Jen, your cruise sounds like fun. Is that your glamorous daughter in the picture?

    Kathy the Plantlady, Thanks for sharing your story. :flowerforyou: I’ll be watching for your log ins. Hope you had a great time at the graduation.

    Robin, I hope you are feeling better now that the weekend is here. :smile:

    Laura, I keep a spreadsheet too, it’s kind of fun.

    Goals for May: I did not meet my goal of 24 hours of exercise. There were days I could have gone to the gym and did not, though, so I can’t blame it all on the foot! I did keep the clutter picked up and on at least one memorable occasion sucked it up and acted the way I wanted to feel :happy: , rather than how I felt :angry: . Crisis averted.

    Goals for June:
    At least 4 aqua fit classes
    24 hours of exercise including weight training
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel.

    I am off to the gym to check in with the physiotherapist and volunteer for street duty during the triathlon tomorrow.

    Hasta pronto,

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    TGIF everyone,

    Here I am back again, I am sorry to say I am a yo-yo poster but worse than that a yo-yo dieter....I know diet is the not the word of choice and maybe if I really embraced that concept and just had a healthy balanced food plan all the time I would do better...But, and this is a big one, sweets are my downfall and you know how that is, once you get that sugar thing going it is hard to quit.

    We are off to the gym today..we have started back 2xs a week and will stick to that routine until we get closer to our cruise date in December.

    While I was MIA I celebrated, well maybe that is an over exaggeration, my 70th birthday...for some reason turning 70 just was so hard for me. I don't feel old, I don't think I look that old and to realize that yes, Sissy, you really are that old is a shock!

    Have a wild and wooly weekend ladies....xoSissy
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Congratulations on being able to walk now, Nancy! Slow and steady wins the race.

    May was another month of maintaining for me. Gotta say I feel about 500% better since increasing my carbs a bit. Just hope my next set of blood sugar tests don't indicate that I've got to go back to 30 net grams of carbs per meal.

    My goals for June are pretty simple.

    1. Start every day by drinking a pint of COLD water and doing 15 minutes of Qi Gong (which I log as Tai Chi since Qi Gong isn't in the database). (This as per a Dr. Oz article in O magazine last month re how to increase your metabolism.)

    2. Maintain, and shoot for 150 net grams of carbs per day.

    3. Walk (mostly with my poodles) 2 to 4 miles each day.

    I might add more exercise and try to drop another pound if it feels right. But as long as I can feel good, keep my blood sugar tests in normal ranges, and keep my weight within the healthy range for my height, I'm content for now.

    News: it was a momentos end to May. My second grandaughter arrived this past Wednesday. And my husband's father-in-law passed away last weekend, so my husband flew off to the wake and funeral while I stayed home on baby watch. June will not be boring either. We fly to New England next week for my husband's 50th high school reunion, and my 66th birthday comes right after we return. Many things for which to be thankful!

    May you all have a blessed June!

  • mom2boys75
    mom2boys75 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy June 1 ladies! It seems so strange that some of you are starting winter! Wow!

    Since I just joined you all a few days ago, this will be my first month with goals; so here they are:

    :drinker: Log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth every day
    :drinker: Stick to 1200 calories per day
    :drinker: Exercise daily following my Chalean Extreme DVD's

    Hopefully, I'll see some weight dropping off by the end of the month. Good luck to everyone with your goals this month!

  • doglove28
    doglove28 Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies,

    I am new to MFP as of today!:happy: I have never joined an online group before. If any one has any hints for beginners I would I would appreciate the help. I am 56 and I have always had a weight issue. I have given many donations to Weight Watchers over the years:laugh: I am now going to try a different approach.

    I wish everyone a good June 1st.:happy:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    be back to post my goals
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Hello everyone,

    Mom is not doing too well, so I will probably not be posting that much this month. Just like I did not post that much the last several months. I fear Mom is in her last 6 months to a year of life. They think her heart is finally beginning to fail after all these years of living with congestive heart failure.

    Those of you who have been posting here for the last several years, know what a handful Mom has been and how independent she was. All that changed about 8 weeks ago and she woke up frail and old. Dad, at 92, bless his heart, is trying to be more independent and do more to help out. He is clearing the table after meals and doing the dishes right after they eat.

    But, I've marked my spot so I can find you when I have the time to open up forums.

    Good luck to all of you lovely ladies this month.

    Warm wishes for a Happy Birthday to all the June birthdays.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy June 1st!Wow where does the time go?
    Went for a walk with Violet and ended up at a playground.Watched her play as I walked around some.
    Hope everyone has a great fri!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Up early, I would love to sleep in but sleep seems to be an issue for me at the moment. I will embrace these early mornings and enjoy the newness and peace of the day. I have caught up on all the posts and send love to you all. You always inspires me to step away from the computer and put on my exercise gear and move it. Bit cold and dark outside so what to do?? Think maybe the yoga DVD, or Leslie Sansone walking DVD. Only complaint is from my cat who loves cuddle time on my lap as I sit here. She becomes a bit of a nuisance during yoga as she joins me on the floor.

    Jeannie, :heart: Spend every precious moment you can with your mum and enjoy the times you have together.

    laporter62 - hello from a fellow aussie.

    Let your day sparkle with health and vitality.

    Jenni from (Not so sunny) Sydney, Australia
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member

    I had a rocky ending to the month of May. I think my knee is messed up! I finally caved and called the orthopaedic doctor and made an appt. The knee I had surgery on four years ago is very swollen. I have been in denial for a three week but I know that I need to get things checked out. I have an appt (the earliest I could get) on June 18th.

    I looked through my logs (weigh ins and calories/exercise) and I set these goals for June:

    1. Get 64 oz of water or more per day
    2. Plan meals and prep ahead.
    3. Do SWSY weights for upper body program 3 x week
    4. Gentle bike at the gym 3X week.
    5. Take care of knees....Ice, elevate, stretch, gentle strengthening

    Again...thank you Barbie for getting us started. I definitely need to come here more often!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It is so exciting to see all the posts on the new thread.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, happy walking….nothing can slow you down now

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I’ve missed you…..sorry to hear about your mom….enjoy her while you can and check in with us when you can

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (plantlady), I see your determined spirit shining through even with all the bumps in your road…..I look forward to being in touch with you often.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new poster and the new 50 year olds

    :flowerforyou: I leave at 6 AM to go with a friend to Tacoma (about two hours from my house) to an all day line dance workshop. Since there will be open dancing until 10 PM we reserved motel rooms so we can stay over and drive back Sunday morning. I will be treating myself to two days of not logging food or exercise. I’ll still eat smart but not post it. I’m not going to use my HRM but I’ll have my pedometer.

    :flowerforyou: I did a fabulous job on all my resolutions for May except for yoga which I didn’t do at all.:laugh: My June goals will be the same but I’m leaving yoga off the list because I think that right now I’m just not interested in it…..I keep adding new challenges (plank, “manly” pushups) so that must be my inclination right now.

    :flowerforyou: I found this thread in February 2009 and it had been going for awhile. I don’t remember when the woman who started it asked me to take over, but it has been a joy in my life and has a place on my morning gratitude list almost every day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    June resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 lunges a day
    * planks every day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *come from a place of love

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy June! D's will be home in 4 days..woo -hoo!! :love: Food choices will be important because there will be more treats than normal in the house...also planning family clambake for next weekend. Dh & I both have big families (he was the menopause baby so lots of nieces nephews and their kids) ...local family is about 50 but short notice so maybe 35-40 people plus DS & dd friends..should be fun..but you can see food is a challenge not to mention the wine!!!:drinker:

    I am happy to report I did pretty well with May goals (never having set goals before) I rode 130 miles on my recumbent bike...that would be my house to New York City (But would have to take the train home)!!:laugh:

    For June I want to bike 20 miles a week and do intervals on my rowing machine 3 times a week...have never done intervals but our friend who owns a crossfit gym said I should start doing them...he has also offered to teach me some kettlebell exercises and I will try to take him up on the offer...I am pretty intimidated by the whole cross-fit gym thing, but he is very knowledgeable so I should take up the opportunity ...do I sound convinced yet?!:noway:

    Anyway...welcome to all the newcomers, prayers and hugs to all with challenges :flowerforyou: and thanks for the support you all give to me..before joining this thread I had never done any online posting and am stunned at how helpful and positive it has been (plus I feel I have friends all over the world...how cool is that!)

    Have a great evening!
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy June 1st!

    Jane-hope that more PT will get your muscles as strong as they need to be.
    Nancy-so glad you are able to be mobile now!

    Hugs and prayers for those in difficult times. Congratulations for losses and goals met. I enjoy reading all your posts and am thankful for the inspiration they provide.

  • sweetbaker77
    My goal for May was 5 lbs, and I lost 4.5. June the goal is 5lbs. I can do this!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    jellyfishjen - have fun on the cruise. Do you have to pack or does the boat come back every day and then leave the next day? I wasn't sure from your post. Question: don't you do yoga so that your cat can join in showing you how to PROPERLY do cat/cow.....lol

    SueGeer - hearty welcome! Just jump right in

    Kathy - my heart breaks for you.

    Robin - you are NOT a failure, you check in here and that's sometimes not an easy feat. You have a lot on your plate, so don't feel like a failure. We sure don't see you that way.

    laporter - come on in, we love Aussies (and everyone else, too)

    laniwolford - retaining water will DEFINITELY make you gain. And when you lose the water, you will see how much weight you'll lose.

    Nancy - I'm just so proud of you, you'll really getting there!

    doglove - welcome

    Jeannie - take care of your mom, I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Today was a pretty busy day. Woke up, had an orange while I got dressed, then went to do an hour of spinning, came home for 1/2 hour, went to mahjongg but first stopped at one store on the way there (I maj'd twice!), then stopped at a drugstore to get things for the soup kitchen, drove to Statesville (about 45 min away) but the store was sold out of the cheese I wanted (yes, that's the CLOSEST store that carries it), went to WalMart because I forgot to get icing the other day (I'm going to make a cake in the shampe of a train for Mexican Train this Tues and another gal is going to ice it. That's not my strong point), then came home and FINALLY had a chicken patty. Had shirataki noodles for dinner (I like them) and a salad. Tomorrow...yoga then stop at another store on the way home to get their two day specials. I'm supposed to lector at the church tomorrow night, it might be a good idea to preview what it is I'm supposed to be reading....lol

    Sally - ouch on the knee

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi All

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: YAY Nancy you're walking!!!!! I remember and I know its a hobble but it will eventually become a walk!! Hang in there!

    Well ladies today was GAWD AWFUL! Very stressful day! Computer went down in one of my salons which equals BAD!!!! Plus lots of stress in dealing with my HOA on painting the house and lots of other stress so I had a BIG beer for dinner and a half a turkey burger and some fries! :sad: But I was still under my calories because I only had an apple for lunch because I was on the phone with Dell computers (no) Help desk for 2 hours when I was suppose to be eating lunch :explode:

    Anyway Im better now :bigsmile: :bigsmile: A replacement computer comes tomorrow AM and as far as the HOA and the paint goes...Ill deal with that issue next week!

    I hope you all have a good weekend!!!

    Welcome to all the new bees!!!

    Kat:heart::heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Decided to pop in for an update before drifting off to sleep. Thank you for the birthday wishes! I had a busy, fun week with way too many party days. First my grandson's birthday Tuesday, my birthday Wednesday, Thursday my husband's retirement party, today a trip to see my mother (complete with another birthday cake), and then dinner out on the way home to celebrate my 38th wedding anniversary today! Got to get back to reality in the morning. And I only have 10 more days before leaving on our big trip to Alaska!

    I will try to post the birthday list soon. If you would like to be added, please send me a message with your birthday. Good night, lovely ladies! Mary
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Hello and welcome to June!
    Thanks to Barbie for starting the new post (again):flowerforyou: .

    Well, thanks to mfp family support, I mangaged to meet most of my May challenges, and some goals too.

    Lost 9.9 pounds in the "lose 10 pounds club" - so for June I'd like to lose another 10 pounds ... that would put me in wonderland!
    I'd like to log into mfp every day, as I do see the benefits of social support.
    Cycle 4 times per week (last month was 3x - met that goal).
    Do at least one 'long' ride each week. So far have done 14.8km, 16.6km and 20.4km
    Beat the 24 hours fitness goal of 1440 mins (avg 46 mins a day), as I did 2376 minutes (77 mins)!! New Goal is 2880 mins (96 mins)

    Looks a bit overwhelming ... but I want this excess weight to go and free up the pain on my joints and increase my rehab success on a previous knee surgery. They say for every pound you lose, your joints feel a 4 pound loss! I'll include a favourite quote here:
    "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start" (John Bingham - the Penguin)

    Good luck to all this month!! :smile: - Kate
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good Morning ladies

    It's wet and grey in London. I actually had to put the electric blanket on last night when I first got into bed. I really dislike the huge swings in weather that we are having at the moment. Today I'm back to wearing boots, jacket, hat and gloves to get to work.

    Yesterday we planted late FILs ashes. I actually thought that we were scattering them, but they were planted close to the church wall and a yellow rose put on top of them. It is a glorious old church on the Sussex Downs and a lovely final resting place. I found out later in the day that our new sister-in-law (they got married six weeks ago) lost her big sister at the beginning of the week. She was only 45. The poor girl had MS and they didn't realise she had cancer until it was too late. Very sad, but it made the day even more poignant.

    I didn't do well food wise yesterday. We were out and about until late, so I completly missed two meals. I usually carry a 'skinny-pack' with me, with healthy snacks to get me through the day, but managed to leave it behind. This meant that I was extremely low on calories yesterday - which is possibly why I was feeling the cold so much. Must do better today!

    I'd better do some work I guess. Have a good day my lovely friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone! New to MFP and since I'm 52 :) this seemed like a good place to start. My goals for June are:

    log in daily
    log food daily-believe me that's my biggest challenge
    drink more water!
    do water aerobics 3X a wk
    try to walk more (have severe knee osetoarthritis so def a challenge but I'm up for it)

    Would love to get more friends and support!

    Have a great weekend all!