

  • So - since it was the first week - I will extend the workout challenge for this 300 calorie burning challenge through the next week. Log as many as you can by Sunday and I will send a prize to the winner!
  • I did a cycling workout last night - 37 minutes at about 90-100 rpm's and heart rate at 80% = burned 300 calories! It was a tough workout but I did it while watching one of my recorded shows, which made the workout go by much faster! Anyone else come up with any other good workouts so far this week??
  • A inexpensive heart monitor can help tell you how many calories you are burning but I will take your workout!! :)
  • Thanks everyone!
    in Snacking Comment by MKS92411 August 2014
  • I'm going to try and do challenges each week that differ but center around fitness and eating right checklists! This week we are all trying to get in as many 300 calorie burning workouts as we can - the winner will get a prize!
    in NEW Comment by MKS92411 August 2014
  • I totally get it! I feel like I've tried it all and the only thing that has ever really worked for me was being realistic. If you exercise frequently, and eat moderately, you will succeed! I am a big lover of sweets (and drinks) so I find that if I allow myself to have these items in small quantities then I do better than…
  • Welcome to all!! I hope everyone participates in the challenges! I run my own business and have access to some awesome skincare products (which I always need when it comes to sweating from working out) and plan on giving freebies to the winners of some of these weekly challenges!!
    in NEW Comment by MKS92411 August 2014
  • I'm in! I've done the P90X route too and did well - that was a few years ago. Shortly before I got pregnant last year, I lost 20 pounds running, cycling, and dieting. Now, I'm trying to get back down to under my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm 13 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and would love to loose 20 lbs or more!…