New here need a workout friend for motovation

I'm new to this sight. I'm 6ft 2 inches 185 lbs 2 years ago I got down to 130lbs from using P90x and insanity just got out of the loop with working and winter blues I guess,anyways, I'm looking for someone new that needs some motivation like me share our results.


  • MKS92411
    MKS92411 Posts: 11
    I'm in! I've done the P90X route too and did well - that was a few years ago. Shortly before I got pregnant last year, I lost 20 pounds running, cycling, and dieting. Now, I'm trying to get back down to under my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm 13 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and would love to loose 20 lbs or more! Should we create a group to check-in each day with progress, tips, recipes, workouts?
  • metequila
    Sounds good don't know how to do any of that can u start it