You will do really well if you will daily chart your meals on this website....guaranteed to lose weight if you will be faithful in your endeavors! And it turns into fun too realizing how many calories are in certain foods and what foods you can substitute and still enjoy and lose weight! Sort of like a game! Find some fun…
Hi Arkansas! I'm from Arkansas too! So I have a tremendous amount of faith that if you will faithfully stick with "", that you will achieve your goals and so very proud of your progress! But you have to be faithful and log your meals and keep track of those numbers! And find a fun way to exercise too! I…
Be very careful of Mexican Restaurants! My friend and I have a restaurant here in Texas that we love, but found out that each time we ate there, we both gained about two pounds and figured out it was the sodium causing us to retain fluid! So sometimes, it's not just calories, but sodium as with Mexican Restaurants! So have…