

  • I am pedantic about my fish - I ONLY eat fish from Australia or New Zealand and I NEVER buy it from a supermarket. If you can buy a whole fish, have the people cut the head off and fillet it for you and give you the spine, you can slice it into single serve sizes and use the bones for stock - I am far too aware of where a…
  • Frozen veg and fruit is a great way to have quick meals - I often have a bag of steam frozen veg and tuna and rice for lunch. Buying meat in bulk is a great way, and so much cheaper, to shop - plus you always have something on hand.
  • Swap yoghurt for natural yoghurt and have oats or muesli instead of a breakfast bar - I take both of these to work as I'm on the train by 6.30am.
  • Stir fry, stew, curry, soup
  • So with yesterday's food - can you have your tortilla and beans at lunch instead of having such a huge calorie snack? Add in some soups, get rid of the high bad fat foods and swap for good fats (notice at least twice in 3 days you have mcdonalds, - how about swapping that for a chicken and avocado and salad sandwich?) Your…
  • Your sodium count is quite high to... what exactly is your cal amount? One day it is in the 1900's one day it is in the 1600's...but your daily amount looks to be around 1200....which means its quite possible you aren't eating enough. You can't just keep hoping switching it will do something if it obviously isn't. How…
  • If you are having trouble on the time front in cooking veg - stiry fry is a quick easy option - quicker if you can get pre-cut mixes, the steam veggie bags - they don't taste the best but it is at least 1.5 - 2 cups of veggies (4 serves), make up a big vegetable stew or vegetable soup and freeze in portions (excellent for…
  • If you can get it where you are, I find Horleys Sculpt pretty good. Also been recommended Horleys Ice
  • I go with 1 banana 1/4 cup skim milk 3 tbl spn natural yoghurt 1 tsp LSA (linseed, sunflower seed, almond blend) 3 tbl spn rolled oats Blend.. Also bluberries, the milk and the yoghurt and ice
  • I tend to add sultanas to my porridge for that little extra sweet kick or..... if it's blueberry season where you are, put about 10 in a ramekin, a tiny tiny amount of water and pop in microwave til hot. Add a dollop of natural yoghurt to your porridge and top with the berries
  • So we all need approx 1 - 1.5gm protein a day per kg of body weight, which means your child isn't going to need anywhere near as much as you are... before adding too much protein powder - work out their weight and how much protein they are getting from their food - meat, green veg, milk, cheese, yoghurt, beans etc. As long…
  • I had a quick look at your diary: 1) Monday dinner - swap what you had for real fish (not 3% fish mashed up with some other crap and preservatives and covered in breadcrumbs crap) or steamed chicken, a baked potato and salad/vegetables - it might be higher cals but it's a lot more nutritious 2) In the two days you've got…
  • Don't have iron containing foods with dairy in the same meal - it stops the absorption - so no spinach and ricotta, cream sauce on green veg etc. You could also try a B Complex if you cant take plain iron tablets. The only way you can tell you dont have enough iron going through your body is via blood test so get one done…
  • I use protein powder in smoothies after the gym or if I want a more filling breakfast. I also use multi-vits and mineral supps and natural anti-inflammatries because I have stuffed my body so much from so many different diets I am completely deficient in far too many things to just get the nutrients from food
  • Yup it's called lactose, as is the sugar found in bread (gluten) and in fruit (fructose)
  • You could always make your own trail mix - bag of mixed nuts, some dried bananas, apples and sultanas, and if you desperately need chocolate, little chocolate buds (preferably dark chocolate). Work all the cals out, and then take your serving size to what you think is going to be a good cal count for you - you really only…
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