peterjohn1 Member


  • Personal Trainer Leawood
    in p90x Comment by peterjohn1 April 2012
  • Well i do not you will get the results very soon because it takes time and also needs hard training for this . You will gradually find the results but you also have to take high carb and protein foods which would not only help building muscles but also gain weight .
  • I would say that you have to focus on your diet plan and Exercise . You need to make your diet plan which include fat free foods such as green vegetables and fruits . You also select the exercise which is simple and also beneficial . So walking is simple exercise in my view. You need not to be worried and keep your life…
  • Well If you want to reduce fat from your body You need to burn more and more calories . which is only possible with exercises such as Running and swimming . Furthermore, You also have to take special care in food selection because eating fast and oily food would not reduce weight instead of increasing it . So try to take…
  • There is no doubt that 990x is wonderful 90 days program which have very good results in form of weigh loss . It is also important from fitness point of view. People who want reduction in weight should have to start this program and after 90 days you would get definitely lose weight according to your goals .
    in p90x Comment by peterjohn1 April 2012
  • Well You must have goals to burn calories . How much calories you burn after exercise ? . The calories you burn are the calories you require to take .. Moreover, You also have to take foods according to the calories you burn . I also need your ideas for this purpose too .
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