

  • one easy rule of thumb to follow is: if it's a fabric you'd wear to work, you can't wear it to a fancy wedding. this means no cotton, jersey, wool, tweed, etc. wear a dressy fabric like silk or satin (or something that looks like silk or satin). unless it's explicitly specified as a black-tie wedding, i personally wouldn't…
  • i'm 5'8" too and you can ALWAYS find me in heels - at least 3 inches, please, but preferably 4 or 5 (: that's just my personal style. the thing that matters most (in my experience) is confidence. if you look awkward or self-conscious, don't wear 'em. that's not attractive regardless of your height. but if you can pull them…
  • i dress for myself, primarily. i want to look in the mirror and feel happy and comfortable and confident about my appearance. that said, i do love getting compliments from other people (male or female) who're just as into fashion as i am. so i guess i dress a little bit for them, too.
  • i'm sorry zoloft's not working out for you : ( are you getting help from your doctor? i would definitely recommend you talk to him/her before weaning yourself off of any medication, especially an antidepressant. it's really dangerous if you don't do it right. for example, i decided to stop taking my meds a couple of weeks…
  • i think you're one of the rare people who look equally as good with bangs as without them. personally, as someone who's had bangs basically since i've had enough hair for them, i would suggest you get bangs - you seem to want them, they're very fashionable at the moment, and they do look good on you. however, i'd probably…
  • first off, congrats! 60 lbs is an amazing amount of weight to lose :) secondly, it can be hard to see yourself as skinnier if you're concentrating on how much fat you still have. instead of looking at how much farther you still have to go, try and focus on how far you've come. take measurements and compare them to how big…
  • those are great! :) here are some more, found scattered over tumblr... - "if you keep on saying tomorrow, you'll run out of time." - "if you give up today, think of how much regret you'll have 3 months from now, when you could have been 10+ pounds lighter." - "you've come way too far and tried way too hard to take orders…
  • this just happened to me a couple of weeks ago! someone on the bus told me their wife was due soon and asked how far along i was. it took a couple of moments for my brain to put everything together, but when it did... so awkward! i actually ended up telling him i was 4 months pregnant because i was so ashamed :(