

  • I don't have that kind of work out but I need to lose a lot of weight and need the motivation and prayers also. we can help each other by doing just that. Prayer works in a lot of ways. You got going this morning and as long as you keep praying about it you will keep going. I will send you a friend request if that is ok.
  • Hi and welcome. I am also new. I think you might like this site. This is just my second day and I really like it.
    in Hi! Comment by Diane41912 May 2012
  • my breaking point was I went to a women's conference with church and I had to find two small ladies to set between so that I would have some room to breath. It is very upsetting when you have to sit in a chair that hurts your hips because you have to squeeze into it. Both of my hips were browsed because if it. I need to…
  • I want to lose because I don't like how I look and I feel like crap all the time. My husband loves me the way I am but I don't love me. I am doing this for my self. I want to ware cute clothes and feel sexy for my husband.
  • I would also say go with what makes you happy. But most of all talk to Jesus about it and let him lead you. He is never wrong. Just saying. Good Luck
  • I just started so this is all new to me also. I put in my info (food and workout) for the day and it tells you where you are and what you can do from that point. Its really pretty easy. But like I said this is my first day at it also. Add me as a friend if you want to.
  • Hi I am new here also. I was told about the sight and I joined in April but I just got started today. I will be happy to lose 17 lbs. Good job. Keep going and you will make a big difference in your life. That is what I am going for.
  • Hi I am Diane and I am new on myfitnesspal. I really want to lose weight and I need people that I can talk to about my days to come haha. I will have good days but I also will have bad days and I just don't want to give up. I'm sure you all know what I mean.