

  • Hi, My friend did it last year after getting stuck on Scottish Slimmers. She lost 2 stone in a short time. She has also managed to maintain over XMas. She trains about 2/3 times a week and unlike me doesn't go 'mad' on her 'normal' eating days. So it does work. She planned her fasting days for non-gym/less active days and…
  • Good luck! 40lbs to go here as well. Back at the gym this week and boom stinking cold! Waiting til I can breathe and I am all over it!! Woo hoo!
  • Good luck everyone. I spent last year eating junk in a dull boring job. Now need to undo the damage. 40lbs to lose! New job = tick! :bigsmile:
  • hee hee and I thought I worded things badly in rough Scottish. I think I know what he means. Hope you get the answer Bill :-)
  • I keep my exercise calories for treats at the weekend. Kinda following the 80/20 rule but I have banked calories to cover it. I can have my pizza and choc on Saturday and not go over. Also, everyone is different so do what works for you. Like the lady jofiestyone said. You might find you stall your weight loss not eating…
  • Hello! From Scotland. I was fed-up for a long time and felt like I was constantly under a grey cloud. I have been trying every day (with some bad days) o improve what was getting me down a small step at a time. I was looking at the big whole and it was overwhelming. I have started some new activities and new hobbies I have…
    in fed up Comment by sunnybears April 2013