fed up

hi i'm from England and i'm fed up being me.
so if anyone would like to add me please do as i'm also fed up with doing this by myself.


  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    you are not alone - sent you a friend request. chin up!
  • You are not alone!!! I started using MFP regularly over a year ago and here is what I do - might not be for you but... here goes. I get up and weigh myself - this is very controversial as you MUST be able to handle a 2-4 lbs increase overnight when you have been doing everything correct. It keeps me from shoving things into my mouth as I know I will have to shove things into my mouth!! I log my weight, food and exercise for day. I read some of these posts to get motivation and try to inspire others. This makes me feel better and hopefully listen to the advice I give others. If I am feeling low, I look here for more support during the day. I look at the weight loss or maintenance over time and congratulate myself for little victories.

    You can do this.
  • PS - turn that teddy bear on your picture around to see the future!!!
  • Hello! From Scotland.

    I was fed-up for a long time and felt like I was constantly under a grey cloud. I have been trying every day (with some bad days) o improve what was getting me down a small step at a time. I was looking at the big whole and it was overwhelming.

    I have started some new activities and new hobbies I have been thinking of doing for years and putting off (why?) and am in the process of tackling my current issue of work (which is dull dull dull) and now turning my attention back to weight/health.

    I lost 4st a few years back and 2 stone has slowly crept back on. My own fault, pizza, choc + mouth = +++Lbs.

    So come on, chin up. We all feel down and low but there is a way out.

    We are all here to help.

    PS – love the little teddy.
  • jiroos
    jiroos Posts: 15 Member
    just added you.