

  • WOW! All of you have done so well! Keep it up girls! xxxxx
  • I am 5"8 i use to weigh 54kilos 118lbs and it suited me very well! I had a baby and went to 78kilos 171lbs but i did have a big baby and soon as i gave birth i dropped to 67kilos 148lbs I started MFP at 66 kilos im now down to 63 kilos 140lbs My goal is 55kilos - 120lbs! Also to tone up my body once i reach that weight! <3
  • Thanks everyone for your quick replies! Well i can kind off see now where im going wrong! I stupidly thought the less i eat the quicker the pounds will drop off, which they did the first week but now i guess i need to work harder! When u say eat chicken how would you cook it? is frying it ok? xxxx