I am desperate for some good advise! Just abit about myself, ive always been skinny at 18 i had my first child and went straight back to my slim 8 stone 4! I sat at this weight and could eat what i liked, never went to a gym, just would go on 2 hours walk pushing a pram! I went on a injection to prevent pregnancy which i did read can make you gain weight! After 3 years off having this injection i went to 10 stone! It happened really slowly so i didnt see it and never weighed myself! I soon stopped the injection and in 1 year went back down to 9 stone! My body wasnt as good as before the injection but i was happy! Since than i got pregnant and had my second child, i went to 13 stone well pregnant! I was lucky after giving birth i went down to 10 stone! But now im stuck! My body wasnt as luckly as last time, ive been left with some extra weight!

My problem areas are my thighs touch and wobbly when i walk! My stomach has been left FLAT but with some loose wobbly skin under my bellybutton, and my back and hips have abit off extra weight on them!

For the past 2 weeks i have been drinking SLIM FAST and living on a tin off soup a day, but i know this isnt right and i feel hungry all the time! I went from 67 kilos to 64kilos and now even eating this small amount off food ive come to a stand still on the scales!

I am not working out cos i dont know what exercise to do?

So im really after some good advise a push in the right direction!
I really want to loose between 5-10 kilos and get my stomach nice and flat and hard even some small abs if that is possible! I Just abit of structure!

I have some photos off my on my profile so you can see my body, the photos off me with blonde hair are before at 8 stone and 9 stone and the photos off me with black hair are now after having my baby weighing 10 stone!

Thank you for reading i really appreciate this!

If anyone would be kind enough to tell me what food i should be eating like a diet plan and what exercise i should be doing and how much a day it would be amazing!

Good Luck to everyone on here!



  • Hey there Haley! The smartest way to lose weight is calorie reduction. You can do this by reducing your calorie intake, exercising, or by doing both. You say you want to lose 5-10 Kilos which is about 11-22 Lbs. You can lose .5 kilos/1Lb a week by reducing your calories by 500 a day. (3500 calories=1Lb) In your case, since you want to have a flat stomach & abs you will want to incorporate some kind of excercise as well. That will aslo help speed up your weight loss. You want to make sure you are getting enough calories as well. You do not want to starve your body because that will slow down your metabolism as well as be unhealthy. So your slim fast & can of soup are hurting you more than helping you. They suggest that women get at least 1200-1800 calories a day.

    So here is an example: My daily caloric need is 1700 calories a day if I want to maintain my weight. Since I am trying to lose weight, I have reduced my calories to 1200 & I exersice at least 4 days a week. By doing this just this, I lost 7 Lbs in 30 days.

    I hope I haven't overwhelmed you. I'm sure I left out a lot of detail but this the basics of safe & healthy weight loss. If you have any questions feel free to message me or add me as a friend for motivation. I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Eat more than slim fast and soup. Research some exercise. A lot of people recommend new rules of weight lifting for women. Another good book is the womens health big book of exercises. Weight training and eating right makes a world of difference.
  • jcmk87
    jcmk87 Posts: 57
    I forgot what I wanted to say when I saw your profile pic...:wink:
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    You want to eat a well rounded diet as well. If you starve your body of its nutrients then you will also struggle to lose the weight the correct way.. I will be honest and say you need to eat more vegetables, fruit, Carbd, protein and healthy fats..

    The saying and moto floats around here a lot and it will go along the same lines as what you are after..

    "Abs are made in the kitchen"

    honestly the same principle applies here as well. Eat a seating amount under your Maintenance calories and then keep active, walk, run, get a gym membership. There are a lot of things you can do. BUt on a slim fast and soup diet you will starve your body of what it really needs :)

    good luck
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I can't really add much to what's been said already, but I do understand why you want your pre-pregnancy body back! What mommy wouldn't? hehe. You are beautiful! :) I agree though that Slimfast may not be your best bet as far as nutrition. Do a well balanced diet of lean meats, fresh fruits and veg, and healthy nutrient dense carbohydrate sources whenever possible. Lots of water too! I would suggest replacing any drinks you have now that contain sugar with water, green tea, or black coffee. :) Good luck to you!
  • Thanks everyone for your quick replies!

    Well i can kind off see now where im going wrong! I stupidly thought the less i eat the quicker the pounds will drop off, which they did the first week but now i guess i need to work harder!

    When u say eat chicken how would you cook it? is frying it ok?

  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Holy pornstar.

    ...Jealous. :\
  • Your best option on cooking chicken is to bake or grill it.