

  • New Foundland, nice, my good friend Mary was from there, she passed away last November after a short battle with cancer, it was very sad and so hard to watch. She made it home to see everyone there, in New Foundland last summer for one last visit. She was a wonderful caring person, which I think a lot of people from…
  • If I have missed adding anyone, please send me a request,. I lost track, sorry, I'm hoping this will be a safe Site free from critisim and harsh expectations, where we can talk freely without ridicule. I'm so excited to have so many friends join :)
  • I am 48 and desperately wanting to get in shape, down 25, 70 to go.
  • Great advice - exactly what I was thinking, eat smaller potions, drink lots of water and try participating in some activities with him. As you get healthier, the aches and pains will get better. I think only you know your relationship well enough, to know if u agree with some of the other advice. My husband always supports…
  • Caffine pill? I'm not taking a Caffine pill? I am doing all natural whey protineshake in the morning (where I used to have coffee and a cigarette lol). Then a snake mid afternoon, I either eat a healthy low calorie lunch, or an energy bar for lunch, then a late afternoon snake, then a healthy low calorie dinner. I am also…
  • Wow! You are so amazing and have really inspired me. I am down 25 pounds and still have 80 to go! You are proof that it can be done. Be proud of yourself. Anyone who has ever been in your shoes knows what an accomplishment you have made! You look fantastic. Please as me as a friend if you would like. I need all the advice…
  • Congratulations on your success! I'm fairly new here as well and looking for friends who understand and will be supportive. I still have about 80 pounds to go. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • I would like to join? If you let me? Ihow?
  • Thankyou! That is really good advice! As of now I am down to about 1000 call intake a day. Difference is I am having a shake in the morning and vitamins, snacks. A healthy low glycimic lunch and dinner. This is a routine I haven't been able to get into for years. I always skip breakfast, (because I get up so early for…
  • Thankyou also mrsbigmac :)
  • Wow! I was hoping more for encouragement then slamming! Perhaps some advice and opiinions, and if someone was interested in what I was doing, they did not need to contact me, it was a Web Site that explained it (which I immediately took down) This is not my career! This is something I tried out of desperation and after 3…
  • Yeah! I think I will take that part down, that really wasn't my intention, just excited to share, should have read the the rules first. I apologize and I will edit :) thanks. And please believe that I have also struggled.