Looking for like minded people to add me as friend. I have finally found the boost I needed and am on my way to being a fit me. My fitness pal friends help me to stay focused. If you have struggled like I have, and want to join a group of friends that are similar, I would love for you be my friend. We can help and support…
Hi everyone, I am looking for some "like minded" locals to join me in my weight loss, good health journey. I already have an amazing group of friends, but not a lot of Canadians. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, but after 40, it became almost impossible to loose weight. I have tried everything and the scale…
Hi my name is Caroline and I am a career dieter. My weight has been up and down since I can remember, but steadily heading up! When I was young, I used to be able to go on a diet for a few weeks and drop what I needed to. 9 years ago I had great success with weight watchers, losing 60 pounds in a year, but then I lost…
Hi there. I have about 80 more pounds to loose. And I am over 40. Hoping to use this site for encouragement and just talking. I have been over weight most of my life, and looking for people who want to share stories etc. I tried the general forum, but have decided I would prefer a more private forum, so if you think we may…