Over 40 and desperate

Hi my name is Caroline and I am a career dieter. My weight has been up and down since I can remember, but steadily heading up! When I was young, I used to be able to go on a diet for a few weeks and drop what I needed to. 9 years ago I had great success with weight watchers, losing 60 pounds in a year, but then I lost track and couldn't get back into it. I tried several times with no success :(. Then I hit 40n!:explode: I could diet for more than 3 weeks, being so good and exercising and nothing! I would get so discouraged that I would just start eating again! Then came the health issues!! Fatty liver, IBS, and general aches and pains and I got to the highest weight I've ever been! Again I started searching for solutions. That's when I found this site. Although it's great, I was discouraged that I never had anything to report. Last year I started retaining water,.so the doc put me on water pills, this helped me lose about 13 pounds in about 5 months and then a stand still again. Until 3 weeks ago. My girlfriend told me that she had lost 35 pounds since the end of November! I asked her how and she told me Isagenix. Wow! She said she feels great, has more energy and is not hungry! Anyway, when she told me about it, I was pretty skeptical, but I couldn't argue with her success and I was desperate, so I took the plunge and started. It's been 3 weeks. I am down 10 pounds! But the most amazing thing is I'm losing inches all over! My clothes is getting too big already. Now don't get me wrong, the first 8 days, I did not feel well at all and almost gave up, but on of my leaders called me and explained to me that it was the toxins leaving my system, and I could really adjust what I was doing until I felt better. But I didn't, I stuck with it until day nine, when all of a sudden I started feeling better. Anyway, I just feel the need to share . I do believe that I have to eat well and exercise as well, but I'm just so happy that I am now focused. If anyone else knows anything more than I know about this, would love to hear. Thanks for listening


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You can easily lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks without Isagenix. Please don't peddle your stuff here to people who are making a genuine effort to live a healthy lifestyle.

    If you want to lose weight sensibly, there are many, many people here who have figured it out and can help you. Turning your weight loss drugs into a career still won't be enough to make it work if you're not ready to work for it... but if you are, you can do anything you put your mind to.

    This isn't a sprint... it's forever.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    There goes five minutes I'll never get back!
  • Yeah! I think I will take that part down, that really wasn't my intention, just excited to share, should have read the the rules first. I apologize and I will edit :) thanks. And please believe that I have also struggled.
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    You can easily lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks without Isagenix. Please don't peddle your stuff here to people who are making a genuine effort to live a healthy lifestyle.

    If you want to lose weight sensibly, there are many, many people here who have figured it out and can help you. Turning your weight loss drugs into a career still won't be enough to make it work if you're not ready to work for it... but if you are, you can do anything you put your mind to.

    This isn't a sprint... it's forever.

    Ditto this ^^^^^
  • creamyjalapeno
    creamyjalapeno Posts: 10 Member
  • Wow! I was hoping more for encouragement then slamming! Perhaps some advice and opiinions, and if someone was interested in what I was doing, they did not need to contact me, it was a Web Site that explained it (which I immediately took down) This is not my career! This is something I tried out of desperation and after 3 weeks am having some success! After years of trying everything. Ghette, thank you for your comment! I do appreciate that. :) and I will appreciate any help I can get. I still need to lose about 80 pounds. And if any of you know what it is like to try and try and try and not get anywhere, then maybe you would understand that I am excited about my kickstart. But I suppose I stick to my friends on fb!
  • Thankyou also mrsbigmac :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Wow! I was hoping more for encouragement then slamming! Perhaps some advice and opiinions, and if someone was interested in what I was doing, they did not need to contact me, it was a Web Site that explained it (which I immediately took down) This is not my career! This is something I tried out of desperation and after 3 weeks am having some success! After years of trying everything. Ghette, thank you for your comment! I do appreciate that. :) and I will appreciate any help I can get. I still need to lose about 80 pounds. And if any of you know what it is like to try and try and try and not get anywhere, then maybe you would understand that I am excited about my kickstart. But I suppose I stick to my friends on fb!

    FWIW, here's my blanket advice to anyone starting this thing...

    1) Set a modest goal for 1 lb or even 1/2 a lb weight loss per week to start. Not everyone has the internal strength to stick to a 1000 calorie daily deficit required to lose 2 lbs/week. Once you get the hang of logging with a 250 calorie daily deficit and you're comfortable with that amount of food, look for ways to trim calories further and then go for the 500 calorie deficit and 1 lb/week.

    2) Eat enough protein that you're not going to lose 25% of your weight loss as lean mass. I've done this. Twice. Eat 1g protein for every pound of lean body mass. If you don't know your lean body mass, aim for 1g per pound of goal weight... wanna be 140 lbs? Aim for 140g protein daily.

    3) Avoid fat-free, sugar-free, 100-calorie packs, diet non-foods. Fat is good for you... it helps you feel full. And unless you're diabetic, sugar isn't the enemy. Just make sure you fit it in your calorie target daily.

    4) Eat back your exercise calories if you're doing anything more than a moderate walk for 30 minutes a day... If you're running or doing Insanity, P90x, hours of elliptical machine or whatever, eat those calories burned. Your caloric deficit will come from the non-exercise activity you do in a day. If you've never exercised, aim for 30 minutes of walking most days of the week (4+).

    5) Start strength training early on. Once you have the hang of regular exercise and tracking your calories, add strength training. This will help you to preserve muscle tissue during a caloric deficit.

    6) Eat high fiber foods wherever possible. Fiber, especially when combined with protein and fat, will help keep you feeling full longer and keep your blood sugar more stable.

    7) Over time, clean up your diet, reduce process foods, aim for 5-10 servings of fruits and veggies daily, eat a rainbow and all that good stuff. Supplement protein with a good quality powder or bar if you can't get enough from meats, beans, nuts and dairy etc.

    8) Remind yourself you are worth all the effort. There is only one of you, after all.
  • Thankyou! That is really good advice! As of now I am down to about 1000 call intake a day. Difference is I am having a shake in the morning and vitamins, snacks. A healthy low glycimic lunch and dinner. This is a routine I haven't been able to get into for years. I always skip breakfast, (because I get up so early for work) then usually miss lunch and then go home and bing. Then I'm so tired that all I want to do is sleep. I find that a shake in the morning is so much easier. And the vitamins are all put together for me! I'm am still a little skeptical and I have even actually made an appointment with my doctor to get his opinion. I also bought the harley Paste ernak 5 step plan (before I started the iso). So I am hoping to incorporate some of his exercise routines and recipes. LOL. I'm just gonna do it all! I thought this would be a nice forum to share as well. Thanks again :)
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    There goes five minutes I'll never get back!

    Wow you need to up your reading speed!

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Paragraphs are a wonderful thing.

    Sorry, I could only make it a few sentences in. The best way to stop being a serial dieter is to stop going on diets. Take a day or two, or a week, learn about nutrition, find your TDEE, and construct a plan for yourself that you can follow through with for the rest of your life.
  • jakeVScalories
    jakeVScalories Posts: 107 Member
    I dont need your magic pills, im doing it on my own
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Wall of Text crits everyone for 9999 HP
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thankyou! That is really good advice! As of now I am down to about 1000 call intake a day. Difference is I am having a shake in the morning and vitamins, snacks. A healthy low glycimic lunch and dinner. This is a routine I haven't been able to get into for years. I always skip breakfast, (because I get up so early for work) then usually miss lunch and then go home and bing. Then I'm so tired that all I want to do is sleep. I find that a shake in the morning is so much easier. And the vitamins are all put together for me! I'm am still a little skeptical and I have even actually made an appointment with my doctor to get his opinion. I also bought the harley Paste ernak 5 step plan (before I started the iso). So I am hoping to incorporate some of his exercise routines and recipes. LOL. I'm just gonna do it all! I thought this would be a nice forum to share as well. Thanks again :)

    If you have been a serial dieter your whole life, and have lost and regained your whole life, why are you doing it again? Eating 1000 calories a day is why you lost weight, not the caffeine pill. How about trying this without pills and set a moderate deficit, exercise and learn how to eat right. The way you are doing it now will only lead to you gaining all the weight back once you start eating again.
  • Caffine pill? I'm not taking a Caffine pill? I am doing all natural whey protineshake in the morning (where I used to have coffee and a cigarette lol). Then a snake mid afternoon, I either eat a healthy low calorie lunch, or an energy bar for lunch, then a late afternoon snake, then a healthy low calorie dinner. I am also taking vitamins. Normally, I would eat nothing for breakfast, and a lot of time nothing for lunch (unless they had junk food at work), then come home and binge the rest of the night on anything I could find, never being able to satisfy my hunger. Coffee and cigarettes got me thru the day. And then -I would be so tired and feel sick. I now also drink about 5 to 6 bottles of water a day and only occasionally have a coffee. These products have helped me get back on track? How is that bad compared to what I used to do? Now , I actually find myself craving vegetables (brussel sprouts actually lol) instead of chocolate. I find I want to move more instead of sleeping, and I don't have the aches or pains I did only 3 weeks ago? My friends mom is 68, she is doing the same thing as I am. She went to her doctor the other day, her blood pressure is down (first time in years) her cholesterol is down, and she has been maintaining a blood sugar levels of between 5 and 7, plus her fibermyolgy (spelling) the pain is gone. She was thrilled, doctor said if this continues they may be able to take her off some of her medication. (and she told the doctor what she is doing) how is this bad? I am slowly incorporating more food than product, but I love my morning shake and I love the vitamins. So how is this so bad if it gets me on the right track to being more healthy? Is it bad to take vitamins? I seem to be getting a lot of negativity about this, I'm a little surprised, I'm gonna give it a bit longer, because so far I haven't seen anything bad, but I am also going to to my doctor to get his opinion. I do also believe that if you into the right mind set (determined). You can accomplish your goals, some of us, just need a little more structured boost. Anyway just saying.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm sorry I really would like to read your thing. The lack of paragraphs makes it hard for me though. Sorry don't mean to be the grammar police or whatever but just thought I'd let you know.