

  • 12 + 3 ran 2.5 bike (9.7) total = 17.5 only 132.5 to go!
  • 3 mile ran = 12 down 138 to go . I plan on knocking of another 3 later tonight (12 mile bike ride)
  • 1 more at the gym so I'm at 9...141 to go.
  • 20 Miles on bike for 5 RE miles + 3 miles ran 8 miles total
  • Its on just got back from thanksgiving vacation. 0 miles so far..will hope to add 3 run and 7 re-bike miles (30 bike). By days end.
  • Excellent Job
  • Thanks for the answer those are some quality miles! I'm trying to increase my "aerobic threshold" at lower a heart I don't let myself drift (sometime I want to as mile markers are tough to leave at .9 lol). I have seen real improvement as I've gone up 4 mph on the bike at the same level of excersion I increased…
  • Brooks Defyance 3 - I'm a high arched neutral runner..I like these shoes mostly because they were cheap ($65) I'm not married to any one shoe..but I do like these (I've had new balance, asics & nike prior)
  • Nice Job..just curious whats the average miles per hour on one of those things (I don't use them). I wear a heart rate monitor for all my cardio so I do whatever it takes to stay between 134-144 (72-77%)..for me to do that on a bike hurts like hell (in the legs) to do it running is rather easy. I wonder where an eliptical…
  • No mystery at all
  • 4 more miles running (cut it short slept to late) 106.5 Total
  • Hahaha Animal huh?:laugh: I'm just obsessed with my training log. I only run 3 days a week (right now) to avoid injury so I do a lot of cross training to supplement. I get injured if I do to much to soon (who don't :tongue: ) I have a hard time curbing carb binging in the evening which has stunted my weight loss..haven't…
  • After further review it seems most agree biking is if I go by that formula I have a total of Bike: 38.5 Run: 46 Row: 13 Total: 97.5 So I'm 2.5 miles short..tonight will be my victory as 5 RE (20 Bike miles) will take me home!
  • Wed: Stationary Bike - 20 miles Thur: Run - 5 miles Fri: Off Saturday - 6-8 miles Sunday - Stationary Bike - 20 miles Monday - 4 miles Tuesday - Off Wednesday - Off Thursday - 10K Race (6.2) so another 21 mies or so running and 40 (13 3/1 running equivlent) more on the is that 35 more miles so 274 miles is my…
  • Very true..I'm not very fast (9:30 minute miles when racing) but the last 5K I ran I kind of eyed the crowd looking at those who 'looked the part' thinking they would be far faster then me..well some of those types could run but a lot them could can't judge a book by its cover..the one guy I thought looked like…
  • I love it all the bennfits out weight the negatives to me. It took me about 2 months (back when I was the couch25K type) until that internal switch just clicked one day and it was like I'm on autopilot running is just something that is fun to do. I usually listen to audio books or watch TV (when at the gym). I do admit…
  • Fun challenge I'm in and done :tongue: Sationary Bike 154.6 miles (all watching football) Ran (treadmill/outside/5K I ran back on halloween) 46 miles Row (concept2 2 gym) 13 Total: 213 miles...if you use the 3/1 Bike rule (which is fair) I am at 110 Going to bike 20 miles tonight an run another 5 or 6 in the morning.…