Jaw definition and hair!
Easiest way? Upload a picture to Paintbrush. Save it. Open another picture and save it. THEN go back to the first picture, stretch the corners out, and copy and paste the second picture to that one. You can adjust the image size by going to Image>Resize/Rescew and go to about 50% on each Horizontal and Vertical. Adjust as…
Im all about the motiation and accountability for the last 10-20. I need to tone up BAD, and everyone around me is too focused on the big lose, or steps into ONEderland. Count me in! I'll do pics too!
My digital scale is my best friend! It does OZ, G, KG, LB's etc. Great for meats, fruits, and veggies. Then of course, measuring cups for grains, rice, milk, etc.
This is so much better than FB! It's fun AND beneficial! Im hooked. Add me! Im random and love all the motivating!
Fort Drum, NY- but Southern girl all the way!
He everyone! Active Duty Army up in Fort Drum, NY (Soon to be Fort Hood, TX)
I just ate buffalo chicken about a week ago! So good!
It IS FRUSTRATING! I am in the Military- and the majority of the female Soldiers I work with think Im obsessive because I eat my six meals a day, carry celery bags in my pocket, and have my hydration system with me all the time. They see a weight on a score card and say, "you're way under the Army's weight limit, who are…
Welcome back!