

  • I think if we went more than two days without fighting I would be worried. I'm not saying knock down drag out brawls, but little tiffs, bickering, and a rude comment now and then. I will admit I have poor communication skills but those little spats we have lets me express things to my husband much easier than some mushy…
  • I've been feeling that way lately myself but I have been forcing myself to exercise and I ALWAYS feel better after. Sometimes I bargain with myself that I will do a shorter work out like 30 minutes instead of 40 or a lighter exercise and then halfway trough I usually feel like I can push myself for more or want to do more…
    in Help! Comment by rdale8200 April 2011
  • Believe it or not sex makes a huge difference all around. It does burn extra calories, unless you go at if every day in which case it would be part of your daily routine which sounds like it takes all the fun out of it anyway! It also relieves stress which in turn can help reduce caloric intake. If someone wants to log it…
  • My mom and I walk to Leslie Sansone's WATP Express dvds and we really like them. We talk while we do them and the time goes by very quickly. Sometimes my 9 month old isn't very cooperative and I have to hold her while I walk but it is just like holding a 25 lb weight! We do the 2 mile one together in the mornings and I try…
  • I went to visit my friends in NY and Wendy's had all of the calories listed on the board for each item. yes it is helpful, but sometimes ignorance is bliss! Now I feel awful for all of the times I went there thinking it was a slightly healthier alternative! (Keyword being slightly)! lol
  • Weight has been an issue my entire life. I am the youngest of four, my parents had me later in life and my mom always blames herself because she thinks they didn't do enough activities with me. The only thing I can think that she could have improved was healthier meals but otherwise it is all me. I grew p in a fat family…
  • I'm 23 but far beyond chubby, I'm just plain fat. lol. Not to offend anyone I just prefer not to sugar coat it when I tell myself. I recently joined. I have ALWAYS been overweight. Currently at my biggest of 256. I have a 9 month old daughter and I so badly want to set a better example for her as well as be able to…
  • Have you tried adjusting it so you are losing 1 pound a week instead? it allows for a higher calorie intake. Don't give up!
  • Definitely see a difference! Congratulations you look wonderful!