

  • I actually hate when sales-people ask if I need help, I find it to be over-eager and I usually leave the store immediately after that. I feel that if I need help, I can/ will ask one of them, I hate when they aggressively try to sell to me. My guess is that it probably wasn't a personal affront on the part of the sales…
  • Is it too late for me to be a part of this group?
  • Honestly, its nice to read about all of these other similar situations as my own, I 100% know what you are going through. (Sorry, this is long.) In October 2010 I started a new job. Before then, I had been working very hard at exercising and counting calories and had acheived great results (went from 168 to about 153) and…
  • Hi Ladies! I too would like to join this group if its not too late. My weight today was 161.5... my goal this week is to do some form of exercise at least 6 times, and to track calories every day. Happy counting to all!
  • Today is hard, ive already eaten my usual calorie limit and its not even dinner yet! a friend is visiting from out of town and so we will probably go out to dinner tonight (and probably drinking too) so im really hoping that I can stay strong and committed and eat reasonable portions. maybe ill get a chance to do a quick…
  • Hey all of you fine and fabulous folk! I committed to this 30 day challenge at the beginning of march, but over the first week of march I had a setback, and although I am back on track I don't think that I can keep my original goal. I still want to try, but I also don't want to fail and then get discouraged... (I hate…
  • I am in!!! Current weight as of today - 166.5 Goal for April 1 is 155... i think if i can actually commit to tracking calories every day and exercising at least 3 times per week i can do it. the weekends are hardest for me since during the week I sit in front of a computer and can track each bite as I eat it. On the…
  • what I would give for my own elliptical! is yours facing the tv or something? If you cant get distracted while youre on it, the minutes will drag and drag.. but if you can get into a tv show or some music it makes the time FLY! i am getting excited to get on an elliptical today actually, so thank you!
  • what I would give for my own elliptical! is yours facing the tv or something? If you cant get distracted while youre on it, the minutes will drag and drag.. but if you can get into a tv show or some music it makes the time FLY! i am getting excited to get on an elliptical today actually, so thank you!
  • Aw everyone's posts are so nice! I have been using this site for about six months now but never found the courage to post in the forum, but I am glad i did!