LostinMotivation Member


  • Hey that's pretty exciting that I accidentally hit a challenge! LOL. I'm at 150 at the moment in Cardio only. However that said - I do weight lifting and that takes the half hour of cardio up to an hour each time. Which means I'm at 240 at the moment.
  • Hehe - I've finished it already too :) Did an hour on Sunday in a yoga class and 40 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. That didn't include weights. But the water one is always a challenge for me.
  • Hey everyone! I am Letia, I'm 30 years one month and six days old! And I'm 308 lbs. I have never been "average weight" being obese even in high school. My husband and I have joined a gym and are working hard to make the most of it for the next 2 months - if we do we'll get a long term membership through Costco. My husband…
  • Hi, I'm new to the group and don't know what your normal challenges are like, but I'll pipe right up. How 'bout a "Personal best push-up/wallies/chairsies competition?" (wallies and chairsies are modifications to allow everyone the opportunity to do them) They're easy to do anywhere throughout the day, and have everyone…