goaliema Member


  • oh my goodness..you are soooooooooo funny!! Well I wouldn't completely take that friend off your christmas list... I do think you need to take a pic of you wearing those shorts with a christmas hat and christmas background. Then send it as one of a kind christmas card to that person...heck...gives a all new meaning of…
  • ***** W O W ****** You look amazing. Thank you for sharing your transformation pics with the rest of us. Seeing the pics of someone's successful accomplishment such as yours inspires the rest of us to continue. All the best goaliema ***we will be looking for your final goal pic soon!!!
  • Well...welcome aboard! You have definitely come to the right place. The people and the support they give is amazing! But like you said in your statement "ready to fully commit".... is definitely the backbone to your success! All the best Goaliema!!
  • great question and some great answers...bump
  • Just tan those puppies and when you have them caged in the pound..it changes the visual dynamics all together...lol ...ok..lmao!! Also...get some clothes dye and dye those lifters... If you have an open top washer...fill it first half way with ***HOT*** water...add two packs of dye and shut the lid..to mix it...then add…
  • bump with thanks
  • ******** AMAZING***** congrats to you and thank you for sharing with us. Sometimes we let daily life around us take over without realizing that we aren't really living life to the fullest. It is sad that it took 8 long years...but wonderful...that you did before it became 9 or 10yrs. Your transformation is amazing...and…
  • *************SIMPLY AMAZING********** First congrats! Thank you for sharing with us your wonderful pictures of accomplishment. When many of us see..such as those..it inspires us to keep going or to even kick it in to gear. Your current pictures shows so much confidence and a much younger looking bumpkin!..lol Looking…
  • count me in!!! All the best Goaliema
  • wow...thanks for sharing definitely a thumbs up for you and I am sure that your mom feels blessed having you as a son! All the best! Goaliema
  • Smile.. Like you said ***YOU*** have come so far. It is just a matter of time that you will get to where you want to be! Your transformation is amazing..... So chickie...stand tall and show us those pearlie whites...you look amazing!! All the best Goaliema
  • Great job...before you know it you will be the one posting those amazing before and after pics. This site is amazing and so are the people. The support and encouragement from others here keeps you going or provides you with that well needed pick me up when you think you don't have it in you. Keep it up..you are doing great…
  • **** W O W***** I am still in awe over your transformation in such a short time. Your hard work and dedication...sure shows. Keep it up and will be looking for your grand finale before and after pics All the best Goaliema
  • True, so true! All the best Goaliema
  • *****W O W W O W W O W**** Thanks for sharing your amazing transformation with us. Good for you for treating yourself...you definitely deserve it!! And girl...keep looking at the mirror and loving the girl that looks back at you! She has fatih in you and your accomplished success! All the best Goaliema
  • Welcome !!! This site is a great venue with a wealth of knowledge, support and encouragement from fellow members. Whether we have 10, 30, 50, 100 or plus lbs to lose or even to maintain we are all here for the same reason. A healthy lifestyle. By reading other people's food diaries you will gain some excellent food choices…
  • Another Ontarian here!!!
  • Wow....you look amazing! Thank you for posting not only your story but your pics as well.. Your amazing transformation is true dedication to one's self and inspiration to many of us here! You ***will*** get to your goal...you will! All the best Goaliema
  • welcome aboard and congrats on your progress so far. goaliema
    in My intro Comment by goaliema March 2011
  • Bump thanks for posting this ? will be checking back
  • now...now....now!!! ....lolol Been a leafs fan and proud to say..still am!!!
  • Bumpidity Bump... Jen....flare up the bbq...it is a mfp party at your place...lololol Thanks for sharing the recipe with us..I will definitely have to try this...yummy!! Goaliema
  • Great job Brent...!! You definitely make it look easy!! They look t a s t e y !!!!
  • Welcome from Southwestern Ontario! This is a great site with many supportive people. All the best Goaliema
  • Well, I am going to have to catch a cab now....(only thought I would pop on quickly to check the mail and I saw the signage that lured me.. "happy hour"..... and now look at me...it is 7:03 on a Saturday and I am toast...just toast...lol Perhaps...I may have to zip back for last call! Carl, thanks for the tasty…
  • things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! lol
  • Carl...can you hear us..stay with us.... Quick...someone jump on Carl..someone else...beat his chest and someone else breathe some air into that man...My hands are full...double fistinger!!! And if he is agoner...so are our drinks.!!
  • :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I think perhaps I just caught up and probably exceeded way beyond my limit...lol And if anyone was wondering...NO I am not an easy drunk..!!! lmao!!!
  • Me too, me too, me too!!! I think I need to catch up to your guys...carl..you better get a line of credit for us gals!! We need to make sure we get our water intake for the day...but careful not to dilute the shots!! lolol coconut rum here please!! Goaliema!!
  • The support from your mfp friends is amazing. They will encourage and support you and likewise. If you are having one of those days or are missing in action for awhile..don't be surprise to have a friend send you a message or post on your profile..that will get you going again. We are all in this for the same…