glovepuppet Member


  • I actually have no idea what you're talking about... Could you elaborate?
  • You don't ever want to be in a position to regret not getting the safety catches.
  • Unless you're diabetic... fun with your kids matters more than a couple of hundred calories that are within your goal anyway. You're baking with your kids! Sharing those cookies will be a memory that makes them smile when they're baking with their own kids. Or grandkids.
  • I'll say what it sounds like to me, but I wouldn't want you to accept it without seeing someone in the flesh. I think, as mbaker already suggested, she's just not into it. Poodles tend to take commands as suggestions unless you really mean it, and they're often so naturally polite that it's easy to miss dominance issues.…
  • Rule #1 of behavioural issues is that you always rule out any physical cause first. There's no point in training for it if the root cause is a harness that rubs when she runs, or feet that get sore on rough ground, or joint pain. Once you've eliminated any physical cause, you should find an experienced trainer. Without…
  • Is she food motivated, or praise motivated? Is it always the same place on the route, or does it vary? What surfaces are you running on? Do you have dominance? Have you had her checked out at the vets, especially hips, elbows, feet, etc? Is she nervous around traffic, or wary of potential danger? What collar or harness are…
  • Is it just working out, or is it life in general? I ask because I can't bring myself to work out when I'm depressed, so it's one of my warning signs. It doesn't hurt to give yourself a bit of a mental/emotional self assessment.
  • Dance? there's so many styles to choose from. It's as gentle or energetic as you want. You sound really adventurous, like you'd be up for something a bit different and exotic. Belly dancing, or burlesque, or flamenco...
  • I stay healthy, avoid the yo-yo cycle I've seen in people close to me, by keeping things at a level I'm comfortable with. There's a middle ground between abandoning your health entirely, and going to the gym ten days a week fueled only on salad and protein shakes. Walking the dog in the morning is an easy thing for me to…
  • Not creepy. Just... Meh... Some people are delightfully unaware of their own hypocrisy, and I'd guess this is just one of those people. This site seems to be short on creepy though. Or maybe I've just been hanging around dodgy corners of the internet too long.
  • Personally, I think you're fine to put off weighing as long as you're aware and making progress. You know you best, and if you feel like it's going to set you back and cause distress then it's probably not worth it. Just concentrate on your health, be honest about what you see in the mirror, and step on the scales when you…
  • Isn't there even an ice cream flavour called "bad breakup"? You're definitely not alone!
  • I got the stretch marks & loose skin and lost the gravity defying boobs with my first child, in my early 20s. I know how that feels, especially with all the "perfect" bodies in the media. But it never seemed to make a difference to any boyfriend. You could treat yourself to really good lingerie. Like makeup, it enhances…
  • You probably posted this because you know you have an issue. Every person responding is seeing some red flags. Long term, if it escalates, you could end up with bladder infections, kidney infections, or worse. You need to get rid of your scales. They've stopped being a tool that helps you, they've become the focus of…
  • The most useful thing you can have for bench press is a training buddy. I only lift 30, but my toyboy lifts 100+k. It's a safety net, it allows you to go for that last rep, and you have reminders to keep your technique.
  • Is this any help?
  • Pms. I'm depressed. It's 12.05pm and I've still not made it out from under the duvet. Yesterday I ate 2160 calories of utter junk, and I have the silhouette of a Teletubby. Frankly, I just go with the flow these days. In ten days I'll be puking and cramping and hemorrhaging for the day, I expect. It's all predictable and…
  • I've read enough to convince me that a high consumption of ultra processed foods isn't good for a body, and anecdotally I'll say that the fewer I have the better I feel, but I don't preach to anyone about it. I could be completely wrong. All anyone can do is weight up the evidence, consider the practicalities, and make a…
  • That's exactly what I was thinking. You can keep moving, keep fit and keep strong in lots of other ways.
  • Health-wise? Waist measurement is one of the biggest clues. Carrying weight around your middle has far more health risks than carrying on your butt. If your waist is right for your height, you've got less to worry about. But, like everyone else says, you should really talk to your doctor about this.
  • Oh, I've had plenty of woos. I'm well used to causing offense! I'm just utterly bewildered by what was offensive in saying you're undecided and providing some links to research that's been done on the subject.
  • I was actually relieved in a way, because I no longer felt pressured to take any of the endless words of well intentioned advice on what will absolutely cure my sleep issues. It's possible that we wouldn't have the same response to lack of sleep as neurotypicals. It's one of those "more research is needed" things.
  • Autism usually comes with sleep issues. There's nothing I can do about that. Deep sleep continuity is always pretty dire, and I've never had 8 solid hours. I don't know what proper sleep would do for my health. These studies on the impact of poor sleep are always rather depressing.
  • Talk to your doctor. Will they respond to an email? Or can you leave details with a receptionist? It could be significant, or it could be nothing, but I think your doctor should be the one to decide if it's urgent or not.
  • I get "woo" for linking an article from a respected publication, that has multiple links to the actual scientific studies, whilst stating that I'm interested but not yet convinced? Ok...
  • I've been more interested in the possible health benefits than weight loss. Weight loss claims are where the money is at, but some of the studies have made me curious, though I'm not sold on it yet.
  • I've always been reasonably fit. When it slides I don't feel as good. I prefer feeling good.
  • Get your kids on board! Tell them that you need them to help you keep to healthy portions. It'll be good for them too.