

  • I've always logged it as 18 minutes of circuit training because that's what's advertised on the DVD, but I have no clue either and would love a solid answer :)
  • Anyone still posting? Am I the only loser who still checks this topic obsessively?
  • I too would ALWAYS reccommend a corset-like lace up back to a dress. It will fit you nicely no matter what happens with your weight (let's hope it's a loss)!
  • Good luck to everyone this week! It's time to hit it hard! It's the beginning of month 2 and time for DOMINATION! Be careful this weekend. After two terrible weekends of eating, I've learned my lesson. There will be many times in my life when I can eat crappy foods...I don't need to eat everything that's bad for me in one…
  • Meat was brought, and now it's time to get our party on in the tent! Let's hope it doesn't rain too much!
  • Well, I didn't make my mini-goal; however, for some reason I managed to post a loss this week (even after the disaster that was yesterday: Don Pedros, donut, cookie!). I'm going to work hard this weekend to keep the loss going! Good luck everyone! I hope you all enjoy the holiday this weekend (Tampico Days)! Hope to see…
  • Well, this weekend was fairly successful. I maintained my weight through Sunday morning, but then really messed up all day Sunday. (where were you Toby?) Anyhow, it's a new week with a fresh start, so let's work hard at getting jacked and tan this week! We can do it! Tampico Days this weekend, which means it's time to…
  • Is there anyone willing to work out with you in the AM? I make my sister work out with me twice a week in the morning (6am), and for a teacher in the summer, it's difficult to wake up :happy: ! Otherwise, I would reccommend varying your routine (the DVDs) and writing your exercise schedule down; that way you can check it…
  • In case anyone was wondering, the girls WON weigh-in today! We totally dominated. My body is paying for it (I'm so tired, too much working out), but I'm feeling better than I ever have! Sorry boys. You'll just have to try harder next week!
  • Well...after my lunch today you may just be a big loser. I sure hope I didn't ruin everything I've worked for with that one lunch. That would be ultimately sucky.
  • Samie, did you try clicking the "check in" button at the top of the page. That is where you should have entered a staring weight and then every Thursday you can enter your new weight. It will keep track for you. Good luck!
  • Anyone else super excited for tomorrow? I am! I hope the weather cooperates so we can get jacked and tan! I can't wait to meet everyone!
  • I'm sorry to hear that Toby lost. I'd like to think that it's because he didn't want Bo to get upset. I hope everyone is doing well and eating right (I'm not after weigh in today...oops). Good luck today and tomorrow and we'll see you on Saturday!
  • Well Bo, I appreciate the advance notice; however, you severely underestimate my husband's tennis prowess. He's a beast on the court (and off) and has been warming up for this WAR ON THE SHORE for quite some time now. And for future reference, his favorite movie is "A Few Good Men"... ::insert favorite quote here:: "Son,…
  • Hmm...as exciting as that sounds, I will have to pass. I will hold down the fort here in T-co. I hope others take you up on your offer though. At least it would be exciting to see you dominate Bo! :laugh: I thought I'd try out an emoticon. I haven't used one of those in years!
  • I was under the impression we walked 1,000,000 miles and ate 1,000,000 pounds of food. Ridiculous! Eating healthy today though and after exercising last night, I feel energetic today and ready to tackle this week! We can do this team! Side note: even though I ate a lot this weekend, I am well on my way to getting tan...or…
  • YAY! Next weekend sounds absolutely fantastic! I may have had a really bad moment today with eating. I dominated Sunday through Thursday...BUT fell off the wagon at lunch. Perhaps Toby needs to make me run everywhere in the Lou this weekend. Hopefully we can work hard together as a team and refrain from eating non-stop.
  • 1) Bo-we'll find a horse. Have hope :) 2) Sarah-the boys won this week--Girls: 14.9 pounds lost (2.8% lost) Boys: 21.6 pounds lost (4.5%). We were doing okay (4.2% to 4.5%) but then our last team member called in her loss and it was only 1 pound. :( 3) Beau, stop cheating in tennis. That's not nice. It's a beautiful day!…
  • One more.... As I've been exercising, I've noticed that some of my activities are not listed, or they are listed but not exactly accurate for calorie burn. Here is a website I've been using to enter the amount of calories burned per my weight: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc Good luck today! Pilates were awesome!
  • YAY! Awesome weigh in today! WE CAN DO THIS! Week one prediction: Girls domination! Now it's on to dominate the rest of the summer. Time to do pilates!
  • So Bo...I hear you're pretty good with a paper ninja star. Excellent. And you may be earning/losing points with my sister. Right now you're at about a 79 (out of 100). I'm trying to help you out though.
  • And by July 26 you mean June 26 right? Good goals Toby! I think that's fantastic!
  • Yes Dan...I actually think "manual labor" is under cardiovascular exercise. Are you putting in a new mailbox post? I just took the drawers out of my kitchen. Do you think "kitchen deconstruction" is an exercise option?
  • Way to go Sarah! Keep up the good work. I tried the old run/walk trick last year, but it really hurt my knees so I gave up my running career. It's the day before weigh in so be sure to eat right and exercise today! Our dinner menu consists of grilled salmon and broccoli...YUM! Good luck and keep it up!
  • Love it! That's a fantastic idea. I love the idea that we could get together for an active activity :) I'm in!
  • Samie and I walked 2 miles at Imagination Station AND had Subway for lunch. Things are looking good for the girl's team! How about you boys? Are you going to make it?
  • YES! Billy Blanks' Ultimate Bootcamp done! That's 53 minutes of high impact aerobics friends! Woo hoo for 465 calories burned! I'm feeling so good!
  • Welcome Samie! You can do this! I hope today has been good for you! Remember...we are here for you! All you have to do is call!
  • That's okay. We can still eat healthy and try for a good workout tonight! We may not be tan (because of the rain), but we can get jacked!
  • It's on! I had an awesome breakfast (that will hopefully keep me full until lunch), then it's time to make good decisions (Toby, I'll make a super dinner for us tonight okay? Something grilled...yum!) Good luck everyone! I know you can do it. Just think before you eat AND make time for some physical activity! We can do it!