

  • I have seen pita bread on racks in front of the deli and in bread aisle near bagels. I like pita pizza too.
  • GW 140 CW 171 SW 173 height 5'3" age 41 Julster324
  • I have similar problems getting off track on the weekends. One thing with pizza is I always try to get a salad and only eat one slice of pizza. Also I feel more in control of the calories if I make a homemade pizza adding veggies or turkey sausage. I also try to work out on saturday mornings so I am ahead with calorie burn…
  • I am going to try to join up. I need a different pedometer for everyday walking because i seriosly never sit down(except when the computer sucks me in). I use the nano pedometer for dog walks but its not really easy to wear all day etc. Does anyone have the Nintendo DS personal trainer? I think it has something you just…
  • Just curious does your pedometer tell you how many miles your steps are? Or calories? Is there an exercise post on here for steps in a day?
  • I am in . Thanks for including everyone in your group. I don't check in daily to the posts since I am lucky to check in my food sometimes. But I am up for the challenege again. I did 3 lbs in April so I am going for 5lbs in May. Down 40 by Christmas sounds amazing! Check in 5/3/10 168
  • I was 4 lbs down at the beginning of the week but one creeped back. I swear I have the metabolism of a turnip. It is so hard for me to keep weight off I lose and one cheat(even a small one)and I am up a pound or more. I am grateful for the total for April to be down at least an official 3 and unofficial 4. I am going for 5…
  • weight check in April 3rd 170.2 April 11th 168.6 Yea Me! I tried the 3500 cals in a week and came close I burned 3100 I wish I could know how much I burn at work since I am a nurse and do a lot of walking etc. So maybe I burned a few hundred more. As long as I can stay out of the candy drawer at work I can count that as a…
  • I just told myself tongiht I need to get back to it and lose 10lbs by vacation(2 months away) so this is perfect. SW 170.2 GW 135
  • Do you take more Vit A then in a multi vitamin.?I have had a thyroid problem and I am gradually increasing meds for the last 6 weeks. No real noticeable change yet.
  • Keep trying my first attempt was 35 secs and now I can do 2 minutes most of the time
  • Back at it since the kids are settled back to school (Woo Hoo) Wall sit 2:32 plank 1:15
  • Back at it since the kids are settled back to school (Woo Hoo) Wall sit 2:32 plank 1:15
  • Great job. Skipped both today but back at it tomorrow!:glasses: <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/21/4981/214981.png" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a…
  • Did a wall sit saturday for 2:35 my best yet. Last few days I did a plank a few times at a minute each and a wall sit for 1:35 Tried the side plank and it is so awkward. I managed 50 sec on one side and 30 sec on the other. Kids back to school soon so I can get almost 2hours gym time if I want but tons of other things to…
  • I used to plank on my lift days which was every other day. I have been bad with weights this summer since my gym time is shorter due to kids(Back to school August 25th yeah). So I race to the gym and concentrate on cardio since i can focus better on time. Anyway i tried the wall sit and Planking again with this challenge.…
  • Wall sit twice today 1:10 and 1:30 plank for 2:15. I think I will try a side plank, never have done that. Keep Going!!
  • Planks for only 1 minute today. Need to work harder tomorrow
  • I think someone asked this already but do you put the ball between your knees or do you support it on your thighs?
  • Plank 2 minutes Wall sit 1 minute :bigsmile: Legs were sore from biking. I didn't like it either but must keep trying Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • Wall sit today 1:35, Plank 1:34 I had better shoes on and I was determined to do better that yesterday
  • I am joining the challenge. First wall sit 35 sec(pitiful?) I will try a plank later and update:bigsmile:
  • If I only knew! Everytime I am able to lose weight it comes off up top first. I guess the area with the most fat is the last to go. It sucks
  • Sounds like plantar fascitis which I also have. Stretching is key. look online for some stretches or ask you r doctor but the best stretch for me is standing on the edge of a step one foot at a time and letting the heel hang down. Do this for a full 30 sec each heel several times a day, before and after exercise. If you…
  • Make sure you are stretching your foot before and after exercise. I have had a recurrent problem of plantar fascitis which is very painful. It is helped with good fitting shoes( I wear New Balance) and arch supports as well as the stretching of the foot. The best exercise for me is to stand on the edge of a step and…
  • I recently started using sparkpeople.com recommended from another member to create the serving calories for your food. Once you get the serving calories then enter it as your own food and give it a name so when you make it again it is there for you. I have a pasta salad recipe that I entered so evertime I have it the…
  • I got the Wii active at Walmart for $59. I think Costco may have it cheaper but my Costco did not have it at all. I have used it twice and I like that it tracks calories. It keeps you switching to a variety of activities if you like that. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in Wii Fit Comment by julster324 June 2009
  • I agree, Why does everything we do outside of work seem to revolve around food? Why so much food. AAARGH. Can't depr Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Countingive yourself too much or it is all you want.