irishchick_77 Member


  • There is a line from the book/movie "The Help" that I tell myself every day: I am Kind, I am Smart, I am Important. While none of those things directly mention being pretty, I have found that by thinking nice things about myself, I am better able to believe what nice things other say about me.
  • I have a camelbak bottle that I carry around with me. Because it is so easy to get a drink, with the straw/bite valve, I drink more. I also get bored while sitting and fidget with the bite valve, thus drinking more simply out of boredom.
  • The protection plan is worth it. Both my husband and I have MacBook Pros, and knowing that you won't have to pay an arm and a leg if something goes wrong is well worth it. We have only had to use it once (a short in his power cord) but it was really slick and they were great to work with.
  • I figure it is a bit of a Moderation in Everything theory. A little bit of everything isn't going to kill you.
  • 21 here, Senior in college!
  • I met my husband at a review session for the final exam of Biology 100. I told a mutual friend that I was interested in him, and she set up lunch with both of us so we could talk. She had to miss lunch, but we still met. This was all 2 years ago. We dated for 4 months, got engaged, then married 3 months later.