nwoww Member


  • Over training is absolutely a real thing. I've been there, and it took me going on maternity leave to reset my body. Some of the symptoms are soreness that doesn't seem to go away even with rest, decline in performance (less strength, less endurance), never being able to shake that tired feeling yet having a hard time…
  • I am your same height and same build, with about the same amount of weight to lose after having my son 6 months ago. I know that I looked and felt great at 160. I'm very active and carry a decent amount of muscle though, so depending on body composition, you may feel differently. I always tell people I want to get to 160…
  • Just replying so I can save this for later:)
  • No judgment here either. I am a rep for advocare, but only for my personal discount. I don't actually sell to anyone. Although I can't really do the 24 day challenge as is because of breastfeeding, I am able to use some of their other products. I love the Spark and catalyst! I'm doing my best to eat clean, workout, and…
  • Bump for later...maybe I will start cooking!
  • Bump so I can use some of these for my classes:)
  • "If it's burning, it's working!" "Anyone can push until it gets hard, it's the ones that push beyond it that get results" "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever" "Effort in, results out!" "Short term pain, long term gain" "You are an athlete, train like an athlete!" These are just a few of the ones I use to motivate my…
  • The only way you will hurt your uterus is if you jam a weight into your pelvis...that would be painful:) But seriously, it is great that you are ready to lift heavier, and strength training isn't really strength training if it's not heavy enough to make you stronger. Enjoy your heavier weights!
  • Not all men are blessed enough to have perfect heads...the rest of you have hair. Hehe! That being said, my boyfriend was going bald and decided to shave it all, and he looks great to me:)
  • This happens to me all the time, and usually when I've worked out hard, sweat a lot, and need to replace my electrolytes. What I have found works for me is Vitalyte...it's a powder you pour in water that helps replace what you sweat out. It doesn't have as much sugar as other replacements, and it's 40 calories a scoop. On…
  • I use a Fuel Belt. It holds little mini bottles of water...the downside, it can be a bit heavy, but it has been absolutely essential in half-marathons so I don't have to break my stride at water stops.
  • I drink the sleepy time tea with a double dose of melatonin...the tea alone didn't seem to help, but I have major sleep issues. I like the melatonin. It helps me sleep without feeling "hungover" in the morning.
  • I have been struggling to hit the 1800 mark that MFP gives me because of my activity, but I try. Funny it's so hard to eat that much of the right foods, and way too easy to eat that much of the wrong foods. A good rule of thumb that I've heard from several trainers is to try and keep your net at 1200. I still sometimes…
  • Wow! Your schedule sounds like mine. I am a certified RPM and BodyPump instructor as well. I teach so many classes and am trying to throw more of my own workouts in too. You definitely have to eat more, and frequently, to keep your metabolism revved:)