Does this sound more reasonable?

Let me help and give my schedule. :-) If I didn't do ANYTHING else (and I almost always do),.....On Mondays I teach Spinning and Body Pump. Tuesday I teach two spinning classes. Wednesday I teach Pump. Thursday I teach two spin classes (one being one hour) Friday and Sunday I teach Pump. There are usually a couple (for me) sessions in there...or I'll hop on a cardio machine for 20 minutes or so after a Sunday/Friday Pump. MFP was giving me 1280 calories to lose a pound a week. I have just started back eating my exercise calories, but it felt like maybe that was just too low. I upped it to 1350. Does that sound more reasonable? Should it be higher? Or should I go back down to what MFP said. I'm around 153 pounds and 5ft 6. Thanks guys!!


  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    With the amount of exercise your doing I would think eating more is reasonable. You are so lucky to get paid to work out =) thats the perfect combo.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    With the amount of exercise your doing I would think eating more is reasonable. You are so lucky to get paid to work out =) thats the perfect combo.

    It is! :-))) I'm a stay at home mom. It's fantastic. All the gyms I work for have kids clubs so my three year old goes there for an hour while I teach. He loves playing with the kids, and then he's back with mommy. It's free child care, and I'd be working out anyway! The only downside is you don't get to enjoy it quite as much. It used to be my refuge, but now I have to worry about picking good music, remembering choreography, and hoping everyone is enjoying themselves and not hurting themselves. ;-)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Well if that is you in your avatar, I would say whatever you're doing is working. But yes I would say to up your calories, you can always bring them back down if you staret gaining weight.

    And Germantown, I lived there for a couple years back in 2002-2004.
  • nwoww
    nwoww Posts: 15 Member
    Wow! Your schedule sounds like mine. I am a certified RPM and BodyPump instructor as well. I teach so many classes and am trying to throw more of my own workouts in too. You definitely have to eat more, and frequently, to keep your metabolism revved:)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Wow! Your schedule sounds like mine. I am a certified RPM and BodyPump instructor as well. I teach so many classes and am trying to throw more of my own workouts in too. You definitely have to eat more, and frequently, to keep your metabolism revved:)

    yay! Another Les Mills groupie! :-)))) Is there a calorie level you would suggest? What do you do? I haven't budged a pound (even gone up a few) in over a year even with all this working out...definitely not eating enough. I tried to add in some more of my own workouts last week. Did Body Combat, and the elliptical etc. My body is so used to these two things that it laughs them off!
  • nwoww
    nwoww Posts: 15 Member
    I have been struggling to hit the 1800 mark that MFP gives me because of my activity, but I try. Funny it's so hard to eat that much of the right foods, and way too easy to eat that much of the wrong foods. A good rule of thumb that I've heard from several trainers is to try and keep your net at 1200. I still sometimes have a hard time with that (when I'm behaving:p)