

  • You guys are thoughtful, thank you for reaching out to me. I had 2000+ cal today so I think it will be fine. I am going to focus on breaking the habit for awhile and hopefully reap some benefits. I'm still really hungry which is frustrating it seems like once I begin eating I will never let up :(
  • I've brought it up to the doctor once awhile ago, thank you for responding. He says I don't look any different so it's okay. But it sucks because even one snack I can feel myself gaining weight from, I can't even enjoy a salad haha
  • My doctor isn't concerned with my weight. I'm a lot heavier than 120. Forget I asked then, I'll just grin and bear it.
  • Sorry guys -- I didn't mean to come off as an attention seeker. In fact I have asked the doctor, but he seems under the impression that if I'm not obese it doesn't really matter. Told me to just start taking laxatives...great... I just can't tell if I'm underestimating what I eat or something. Do I need to eat more or eat…
  • Pretty sure you need to get laid to get knocked up lol!! least that's what they said in health class....
  • But I haven't had sex .........
  • Haha NO effing way. I strictly log all my alcohol. If I'm to have any alcohol I have less than 400 cal in food and other caloric substances, and I don't drink mixed drinks, usually just hard liquor. Where I live the drinking age is 19 so at 21 I'm not any more pressured to drink by societal norms than anyone else. If I…
  • I didn't think I look unhealthy x___x being "fat" and bloated in the short run will pay off when I can lose weight again.
  • I would do this but I go through sooo much pain when I eat a lot of whole foods. I know I eat a lot of chocolate and PB haha, but my plot is to kind of overindulge for a bit then when I cut out the indulgences I will lose weight, right? That's my I'm hungry. If I have more than one salad in a day it feels like…
  • I exaggerated a bit, it's frustrating seeing so much gain. I was 123 now 3 weeks ago, and am today 131. My clothes still fit but bleh. I'm not a troll my body just really hates me. Still no weight loss, stuck around the same number at least. Trying to maintain higher cals so I can lower them again eventually, @ Shadus --…
  • Maybe. I've gained yet ANOTHER 6lb overnight somehow...guess I wasn't cut out for eating or something hahah
  • One is from September 2012, the other is from June 2013. Can you see a big difference in size?
  • Ugh I've already gained so much weight though haha. Crap. I wonder how long it will take before I can lose again. The thing is, even if I'm logging incorrectly now, I would have been logging incorrectly then.
  • Yeah but that makes a total of 9lbs gained in the past 2 weeks...and um, I haven't overeaten.
  • I have my calories set to net 1270 but I rarely reach it. Is my metabolism permanently screwed? I've already gained a ton of weight since last year so I'm worried about this. Is there a way to fix it without gaining a ton of weight? I figure there must be some way I'm eating too much because if you eat more than you burn…
  • I'm 5'11-5'11.5 and about 120. Annoying because I was 115-119 all winter but now I just don't care enough to lose the weight. Being 117 would be cool but I'm kind of getting over it. Might try to gain to 130-135 once winter rolls around though!