Can anyone give advice --?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have my calories set to net 1270 but I rarely reach it. Is my metabolism permanently screwed? I've already gained a ton of weight since last year so I'm worried about this. Is there a way to fix it without gaining a ton of weight? I figure there must be some way I'm eating too much because if you eat more than you burn you gain weight, right? But if I eat any less I get really unhappy.

    Gaining 5lbs + overnight is bleh though. 2 weeks ago I was 123. It's just kind of BS I have no idea where I'm going wrong.

    I take a multitude of vitamins haha. A multi, folic acid, magnesium + calcium, and recently I started a kelp supplement. My weight gain issues began way before the kelp though.

    You already know you need to eat more. I would set your calories tomorrow to 1400 and meet it every single day for a month. Don't weigh yourself at all during that time. Log everything accurately. You will gain a couple lbs at first but you NEED to let your body adjust and if you respond by cutting calories again it will have been for nothing and you'll struggle losing those new just get away from the scale and eat properly for a month. After that, I would probably go to 1500 and do the same thing again...but you can reassess at that point.

    It's NOT permanently damaged, but it will take time to fix. for the weight gain.....I know how I gained weight when I turned 21 and it was related to bars that served $6 32oz margaritas and late-night cheese fries. Is there any of that that you haven't been logging?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I exaggerated a bit, it's frustrating seeing so much gain. I was 123 now 3 weeks ago, and am today 131. My clothes still fit but bleh. I'm not a troll my body just really hates me.

    hopefully you look a bit more healthy now, good work!
  • galaxy119
    some of your meals look okay, but you seem to use over half your cals daily on chocolate and peanut butter. while I love chocolate and PB maybe try eating more of the other, good foods, like your salads etc. You can still have your choc/pb esp as you have a LOT of cals left to fill but maybe the quantities are shooting out your fats etc? More real food, more water is my advice

    I would do this but I go through sooo much pain when I eat a lot of whole foods. I know I eat a lot of chocolate and PB haha, but my plot is to kind of overindulge for a bit then when I cut out the indulgences I will lose weight, right? That's my I'm hungry. If I have more than one salad in a day it feels like someone is cutting open my stomach with a knife. The gas and etc gets unbearable. I know I should quit making excuses and stop having so much sugar and fat but they're addictive! and the longer I keep up with the "high" intake the more responsive I hope my body will be when I get to a "low" one...right? I'm trying to make it to 1500-1700cal again then I can lose on 1300 like a normal person.
  • galaxy119
    I didn't think I look unhealthy x___x being "fat" and bloated in the short run will pay off when I can lose weight again.
  • galaxy119

    It's NOT permanently damaged, but it will take time to fix. for the weight gain.....I know how I gained weight when I turned 21 and it was related to bars that served $6 32oz margaritas and late-night cheese fries. Is there any of that that you haven't been logging?

    Haha NO effing way. I strictly log all my alcohol. If I'm to have any alcohol I have less than 400 cal in food and other caloric substances, and I don't drink mixed drinks, usually just hard liquor. Where I live the drinking age is 19 so at 21 I'm not any more pressured to drink by societal norms than anyone else. If I drink once a week I consider that a lot.
  • gillmitch
    If I was eating under 1200 cals and putting weight on weekly that I was unable to explain the first thing I would be doing is taking a pregnancy test.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Anyone? Anyone

    Do you not know that EVERYONE on here is an expert
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If I'm to have any alcohol I have less than 400 cal in food and other caloric substances,

    if you're drinking you eat less than 400 cals?! sounds healthy!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'd advise seeking help since you don't need to loose any weight. Loose anymore and you'll look skeleton thin.
  • galaxy119
    If I was eating under 1200 cals and putting weight on weekly that I was unable to explain the first thing I would be doing is taking a pregnancy test.

    But I haven't had sex .........
  • gillmitch
    If I was eating under 1200 cals and putting weight on weekly that I was unable to explain the first thing I would be doing is taking a pregnancy test.

    But I haven't had sex .........

    that's good !
  • galaxy119
    Pretty sure you need to get laid to get knocked up lol!! least that's what they said in health class....
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What do people with ED's seek? Attention!

    What are we all giving by responding with advice to this person? Attention!

    Let's quit feeding the addiction! OP get some professional help and quit dragging out your issues on a public forum to seek validation.
  • ChiManLifts
    The help you really need isn't on this website.

    I have a feeling you know you're not eating enough. My 95 lb girlfriend eats more than that.

    Do yourself a favor and get the advice you need.
  • galaxy119
    Sorry guys -- I didn't mean to come off as an attention seeker. In fact I have asked the doctor, but he seems under the impression that if I'm not obese it doesn't really matter. Told me to just start taking laxatives...great...

    I just can't tell if I'm underestimating what I eat or something. Do I need to eat more or eat less? There is a lot of conflicting advice about this sort of thing. That's why I thought I'd ask what works for other people. I don't see why someone is less qualified than someone else to ask for advice on weight loss. We should all respect and support eachother.