Can anyone give advice --?

I'll set my diary to public.

I've been logging for over a year (since April 2012) and have GAINED 16lb. 5 of it was overnight last night but still.

Even if I'm eating more than I think somehow, I've always logged calories and exercise in the same way. Last year I was eating nearly twice as much and was so much lighter. Last year I was 116-122lb, yesterday I was 127, and today I am 131.4


Can anyone take a look at how I've been eating and help me brainstorm what I need to cut out/work on?

I also drink 2L of water + a day, I just don't log it haha. I'm 21 years old.


  • MelissaDoc
    MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
    It looks like you are not eating enough. You should be NETTING at least 1200 calories a day.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    What is your body fat percentage at? How much do you have MFP set to lose per week? You look quite thin, so you likely need to either be working on trying to build some muscle or eating at a smaller deficit than you probably are (particularly since you are eating well under what you should be as it is).
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I think you may have answered yourself..

    how tall are you?

    I think you are starving yourself. there is no reason to eat so few calories at your weight. i think your body is responding by holding on to everything. are you taking vitamins because I don't think you are getting enough daily nutrients either.

    you are exercising and eating less than you need just for sustenance. The reason they say not to go below 1200 calories is because of nutrients. you basically need to be supplementing heavily at that point and it's meant only for people that really have a lot of weight to lose.

    you should have your macros to go no more than half a pound a week and you should be eating your daily calories up to that point. (and really your current weight is nothing to be ashamed of for any height)

    I remember being 21.. I remember the importance of this to someone your age. I remember wanting to starve myself to get to 115.. but believe me. you're beautiful at 130 or at 115. You may not think so but from an outsiders perspective it's true.

    (I don't expect you to listen to me, I'd have totally ignored this advice. LOL)

    But you have your example from last year. You were eating more and weighed less.. it's your metabolism not thinking it's starving and getting all the proper nutrients that lets the weight go down.
  • galaxy119
    galaxy119 Posts: 20
    I have my calories set to net 1270 but I rarely reach it. Is my metabolism permanently screwed? I've already gained a ton of weight since last year so I'm worried about this. Is there a way to fix it without gaining a ton of weight? I figure there must be some way I'm eating too much because if you eat more than you burn you gain weight, right? But if I eat any less I get really unhappy.

    Gaining 5lbs + overnight is bleh though. 2 weeks ago I was 123. It's just kind of BS I have no idea where I'm going wrong.

    I take a multitude of vitamins haha. A multi, folic acid, magnesium + calcium, and recently I started a kelp supplement. My weight gain issues began way before the kelp though.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    unless you overate by about 14000 calories I wouldn't worry too much about 5lbs overnight, your weight is bound to fluctuate
  • galaxy119
    galaxy119 Posts: 20
    Yeah but that makes a total of 9lbs gained in the past 2 weeks...and um, I haven't overeaten.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    If you gaied 5 lbs overnight, you gained 5 lbs of water. There is no possible way you ate enough for it to be anything else.
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    It looks like you're not eating enough.. if you're logging your calories correctly, your metabolism has probably slowed to a crawl and everything you eat your body is going to hold on to for dear life because it doesn't know when it will get a decent meal again.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Firstly, you don't seem to be eating enough. If your body doesn't get the calories it needs, it will start to store what food it does get as fat. This is starvation mode. Up your calories by about 200 a day, eat back at least half of your exercise calories - if you're hungry, then eat.

    Secondly, if you put weight on overnight, that will be down to sodium. Weight fluctuates on a daily basis. You shouldn't weight yourself daily, especially if you can't take the negative reading.

    Start lifting some weights, and you'll notice that as opposed to weight loss, you will start losing inches, toning muscle, etc.
  • galaxy119
    galaxy119 Posts: 20
    Ugh I've already gained so much weight though haha. Crap. I wonder how long it will take before I can lose again.

    The thing is, even if I'm logging incorrectly now, I would have been logging incorrectly then.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    Ugh I've already gained so much weight though haha. Crap. I wonder how long it will take before I can lose again.

    The thing is, even if I'm logging incorrectly now, I would have been logging incorrectly then.

    How recent is your profile piccie OP and how recent is the other photo you have on your profile?
  • galaxy119
    galaxy119 Posts: 20
    One is from September 2012, the other is from June 2013. Can you see a big difference in size?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You have an eating disorder and body dysmorphic disorder if you think you are eating enough and need to lose weight. Please seek professional help.
  • galaxy119
    galaxy119 Posts: 20
    Maybe. I've gained yet ANOTHER 6lb overnight somehow...guess I wasn't cut out for eating or something hahah
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Maybe. I've gained yet ANOTHER 6lb overnight somehow...guess I wasn't cut out for eating or something hahah


    If you had gained 11lbs in 3 days none of your clothes would fit....

    Troll much?!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If this isn't a troll post/profile, then you need help. If this is a troll post/profile, then shame on you for mocking those with eating disorders and BDD.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    some of your meals look okay, but you seem to use over half your cals daily on chocolate and peanut butter. while I love chocolate and PB maybe try eating more of the other, good foods, like your salads etc. You can still have your choc/pb esp as you have a LOT of cals left to fill but maybe the quantities are shooting out your fats etc? More real food, more water is my advice
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    One is from September 2012, the other is from June 2013. Can you see a big difference in size?

    I seriously suggest you go and see your doctor, I am not even going to comment on your size, it would be absolutely pointless you will not hear anyway.

    Go see your doctor.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Are you weighing your food?
  • galaxy119
    I exaggerated a bit, it's frustrating seeing so much gain. I was 123 now 3 weeks ago, and am today 131. My clothes still fit but bleh. I'm not a troll my body just really hates me.

    Still no weight loss, stuck around the same number at least. Trying to maintain higher cals so I can lower them again eventually,

    @ Shadus -- No, I don't weigh my food. I use a measuring cup. I haven't been able to bring myself to splurge on a food scale yet....