Jmariemiller Member


  • Been to both, tried everything but surgery. They won't do surgery because there's no guarantee it will work sadly and the nearest clinic to me that does that surgery is 4hrs away.
  • I barely eat all day but yes I'm trying to be better about what I'm eating.
  • Always. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older. I had my nose cotterized in 2008 and it's been very bad since then.
  • Ok, good to know. I am not diabetic, not even close to it. I've been tested several times due to my food issues I am having. I have a hard time digesting foods and often get very bloated. I am under the care of a GI doctor and am hoping to get this issue sorted out. I haven't been able to lose any weight either, I am…
  • It happens to most of us women. Not even 80% of us are blessed with snap back bodies. My son is now almost 10 and my belly is still tiger striped and stretched out and I've only had just him. I've just resigned to the fact that my stomach will never be the same. I was 145 pounds on a 5'9" frame when I got pregnant and…
  • I like it but I have to be in the right mood or else it gives me a headache. It's not very common where I live and I am pretty sure I am the only person around who listens to it. Everyone else is Country or go home. :)
  • I like them a lot on sandwiches and as gucamole. I hardly ever have them because they are SO expensive. They are often over a dollar each where I live.
  • coffee with cream and sugar, every day, sometimes twice!
  • I'd eat them! I have the Creamcicle Oreos I bought on a cheat day and I'll admit, they are FANTASTIC! I only had one, I had some self control! :)
  • Mostly I just want to eat healthier. I still treat myself to little tidbits each day because I can't quit cold turkey. I still have my coffee and do really enjoy pumpkin spice lattes but I'll probably forego them because they are like 500 calories and I have issues with dairy but can't quite seem to quit eating it. I've…
  • It has me set at 96 g of protein and today I ate 100.
  • WAYYYYYYY better for you than cow's milk anyway! LOL True though. At least your body is quipped to digest it.
  • I get high workouts from my job, I am a grocery store checker and stocker, mostly stocker and we work 4 hours straight hardcore, then lunch and then four more hours again. It's hard work with lots of lifting and running around and I am sweating and my pulse is high all night. I just don't feel like eating all the calories…
  • Not sure it's really illegal here in the states because all of the health foods stores near me sell it, and they ADVERTISE selling it. One of them has a huge road sign saying they have it and also advertise in the paper. I believe you have to sign a waiver at the store when you buy it saying you won't sue and you agree to…
  • I don't do the stocking all the time, sometimes I check, those are slower exercise days for me, which is why I wanted to know if anyone had a guess about how much a checker would burn. I am hungry a lot but don't eat, I drink a lot of water instead. I try to eat healthier, but today I had TWO donuts!!! I was bad. I'd like…
  • Try looking up the "Sit and be Fit" program. It's gear towards Seniors and people with limited mobility and it may help you since your hip hurts you so bad. Every exercise is done in a chair. Also, you'll have to change your diet and make sure you only eat really really healthy. Good luck, losing weight is hard work!! :)
  • You may want to try cutting out ALL dairy products and see if that helps. As we age our bodies really lose the ability to properly digest dairy, in fact most adults have a form of dairy allergy that shows itself by hanging onto excess weight and bloat. I cut my dairy consumption in half and noticed a HUGE difference. If…