

  • Aren't they awesome? I hope you enjoyed it without shame or guilt, because then it's even better. It's a good thing they are not readily available, except in amusement parks.!
  • Therefore God will help me be skinny ( a fat person's definition of a healthy weight :wink: )
  • I don't want you to be either :sad:
  • Somebody out there please, cut her some slack! Some of us are on Atkins (or a similar diet) and being watched by our physicians . . . All is not the same for each individual. Body types differ and so do diets.!
  • I use it for a low carb diet; I always go over in protiens and fats, but never carbs and calories. It is really good for portion control, which I find easy to cheat on if I don't use the food diary. I have lost 14 pounds in two and a half weeks. 4 pounds since I started using MFP. I can't eat starchy carbohydrates due to…
    in aikens Comment by Pangus May 2009
  • Kelligirl, Just ask him or her to test your ferritin levels, aka, your "iron stores," when you go in. I promise, you will not regret it!
  • Hi! I am a compulsive eater and I totally understand where you are coming from. My family has never had a celebration that did not involve HUGE amounts of food. Southern style recipes that exploded in flavors and calories. I absolutely love being around my family, much less the food. Now, whether its a celebration or me by…
  • Hello! I am only 5 days old here at MFP and I am so excited about this web site. It will empower you to succeed if you let it. Welcome. Sorry to hear about you hitting the metabolism "fact of life." Sucks, doesn't it? I'm 47 and when it kicked me in the butt, I was too stubborn to admit it. So, the fact that you are…
  • I too, am not a physician; but my mother was a diabetic and constant thirst is often a symptom. However, I discovered that when I only drink filtered water, I still feel thirsty at times. I switched to bottled mineral water and it actually began satisfying my thirst. I think sometimes we take too much out of the water.…
  • okay, so maybe this won't work as well as I thot. :frown: Next. . . .
  • Lets start one that talks about your profile pic (which I think is awesome) Incognito cat, joking feline, painted for his movie debut
  • Here's another one . . . Its kinda like learning a card game; you have to play a few rounds to get the hang of it. Let's see if I can make this one more fitting to our humorous side: (without turning into a lymric): Hot flashes clash with A youthful mind, suddenly being female sucks. (okay, it's an age thing) :wink:
  • Wow! perfect. autumn turns into winter snowflakes swirling round? Snowballs fly swiftly Through winter, and flowers Race into spring time.
  • Wow! perfect. autumn turns into winter snowflakes swirling round? Snowballs fly swiftly Through winter, and flowers Race into spring time.
  • Welcome! You've been here longer than me, so that's kind of awkward, but I am figuring you just decided to introduce yourself. I am already in love with this site.