I think you're right and I'm failing to see the small changes because I often compare myself to others who have managed to loose the weight more quickly. My friends have managed to lose approx 10kgs in two months by just counting calories. And I'm here like "damnit!!" :( Lol Ill try to weigh my meals instead of measuring…
Thanks this is encouraging, things do fit a little bit better but the scale doesn't budge, just keeps going up and down then back up again. How often do you recommend doing measurements? Thanks for your time :)
Thanks so much everyone, really helpful advice. Do you recommend having a cheat meal once a week? Or is that not the best thing to do anymore? The first time I tried to lose weight (from 70kgs down to 59kgs) I'd never have a cheat day but it made me so depressed that I went back to eating crap (hence why I'm here again).
pleeaseee someone adopt me.. Im so noob :( and chubs<3
hopefully when you are free next time you can check it out! thank you for your time jazz :)
also for some reason my diary looks all messed up, but tried adding 6 meals a day :)
Hi! Just a bit of both. I eat almost everything except fried food (apart from the occasional cheat were I'd eat 5 chippies). I do bootcamp and sometimes HIIT at home. and I walk lots (maybe not enough). my diary is open now. There's one cheat day were I believe I must of gained the kg and that was last week Wednesday. >_<…
Hello thank you for your reply. I have been drinking much more water and I don't feel very hungry throughout the day as opposed to how I used to feel prior to dieting. This picture is my motivational picture :D it was me two years ago when I was 59kgs I can't seem to get close to that weight no more. I am semi active and…
Are those uncle tobys sachets really that bad :(? I love having them in the morning and I believe they sit at 133 call ea?
Hi lisa and everyone here :) I'm Carol and I'm on the same boat the lowest I've ever been was 59kgs and that for me was the best day of my life but because life has its many twists and turns (and chocolate cake tastes soo good) BAM I gained it all back. and here I am again. :) my goal is 57kgs
Every weeks the same for me :( I tend to get afraid because if I put on a kg while I'm trying my hardest I lose all motivation and pig out because i get sad. lol BUT when i do lose weight i get super mega motivated (like at the moment) so it's double edge sword for me :(
mine is a really old picture of me when I was fit before my 18th birthday I think it was. LOL two years later. i dont look the same I leave it there to remind me of the good ol times
DAYUM spot on XD
35 :'D
cry to miley cyrus's wrecking ball video
oh my glob. YOU are amazing. truely truely. How I wish you were my gym buddy. <3 don't ever look back now babe. Inspirational :')
I have read that constipation does lead to weight gain and prevents weight loss, because the bad toxins and substances that were eaten (specially if one has been binge eating fatty foods) are not removed from the body. These toxins could therefore be reabsorbed when the stool is in the digestive system (as one of the small…
mmmm yummo! :D so I just take the yellowy part out and cook the white? got it ^^
mmm breakkie all over again... xD hmm how much calories are in 2 weetbix biscuits with milk? I will try that!
I thought it was a limit and if you went over you gained weight :O I see now, By the end of the day I always have like 200 or sometimes 80 calories left (from the 1200) I am supposed to eat.
I am 158cm tall. Yea i feel as if I'm pushing too hard, i only have one break in the week and on that break I am working so I never stop! lol. I don't sleep much either, It's all making sense now. Thanks!
I will go check with my doctor, that's very helpful because I do gain weight fast and have some of the symptoms (that's kinda scary). Thank you
yeah I heard that somewhere too... but I started counting calories since I joined myfitnesspal If I go past the limit i freak out and feel bad >.<
I will have a look at that, But I am glad I don't feel hungry and i think my tummy shrinked. I hope that maybe by the end of the year I will see some intense results! eeep I hope. Thank you for the advice
I am doing strength training to build muscle legs and arms but i haven't noticed much change in cms in those areas. I have done this for 4 months now.
What I know from my gym trainer telling me is that if you starve you gain weight but i know exactly how you feel, gosh if there was like a miracle weight loss thingy ma bobby... working out everyday makes you feel more fit, but not seeing results fast makes you so very depressed it's hard to kick start the next day,
Thank you very much, but I am attempting to eat under 1200 calories a day (which is becoming quite stressing) and yes ^^ I eat breakkie everyday now, (i didnt before). I believe I am following all of the rules :3 but results are quite slow, I must add that I have lost 23cm since I joined gym. Truthfully, I am aiming to…
One thing I have found is that... you shouldnt worry so much about the weight but the cm's you're losing :3 I go up and down in weight but when the cm's go up then you know something is not quite right. But if your weight goes up, and your cm's drop. Then you're just fine. Best of luck.