

  • I've found that upping my protein by 10g for every 30 mins of exercise helps with energy and motivation. It really helps afterwards, when I am prone to "workout fatigue" =)
  • Hi there! I'm vegetarian keto/LCHF, and have also found a lot of resistance to this lifestyle. I've found that people have a lot of resistance to LCHF because conventional dieting tells us that calorie counting is the only accurate and garunteed way to lose weight permantly. There is a lot of science behind this, as well…
  • Cool, thanks! Haha, it's not as hard as it seems. A lot of eggs and cheese (things I love anyway), with a little bit of fish when I need more omega 3's. I have protein shakes to help, and coffee to keep me sane! :happy:
  • It could also be the amount of fat this lifestyle requires. Breast tissue is mostly fat, and when you lose weight/fat, that's why it's the first to go. Maybe eating fat in the amount that we do allows for breast size maintenance/growth? =)
  • Hi there! I'm vegetarian keto/LCHF, and have also found a lot of resistance to this lifestyle. Conventional dieting tells us that calorie counting is the only accurate and garunteed way to lose weight permantly. There is a lot of science behind this, as well as logic. Eat less, weigh less. Science also tells us that, per…
  • Seriously, who are we to judge? No one here is better than anyone else for whatever methods they used to get where they are. The beauty of science is that it's about experimenting and making new ground, new discoveries. Nothing is scientific certainty. Claims "backed by science" are nothing more than peer-reviewed…
  • I don't have a garden...I wish i did. i don't have time to start one either...
  • Thanks for all your advice, everyone! I learning and expiramenting with a four bean chili right now, and I think i've nearly perfected two different veggie soups :) You all are amazing! Thank you again!
  • do you think that boredom could be your problem? do you find yourself eating while you are thinking about what to do for the day or while you're watching tv or something? i know that if i'm bored or restless i tend to get cravings and munchies. if so, i'd recommend finding fun family things to do, like throwing frisbees in…
  • I'm glad i'm not the only one! agreed. i do step aerobics in the mornings, and that's close to circut training, but 30DS is much more intense than that. XD
  • Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred is a workout dvd that's seriously intense. I'm still sore from my first day of it :D
  • Biologically speaking, your (the human) body is designed to process three forms of fuel, and these are sugar, fat, and carbs. The body can process protien as a source of fuel, but it's not preferred. Understanding this, it makes sense that when our energy levels are dropping our bodies start to crave it's prefferences of…
  • hey there :) the best advice i can give you is to get a heart rate monitor and measure your heart rate, then calculate how many calories you've burned that way. if you want something a little more simpler, i just consider it 20 mins of high impact aerobics. hope this helps!