

  • Taylor.... RUN!!!!!!! That is the best advice I can tell you. Get really good running shoes and run!!! Drink WATER not Gatorade or sweet drinks. Read labels and watch your daily intake of food. Use the tools here and don't forget. RUN!!!!! Good luck and see you in the fleet, even though I retire by the time you get there!!…
  • Welcome to the party!!! Good luck on your goals!!!
  • There is an easy way to have to will power to eat healthy and stay on task with your diet. Go to the biggest mirror that you have and look at yourself naked. Is that what you want to look like forever? If you said no, then you have the will power to change yourself. It only takes discipline and self control. I know that it…
  • Great Job!!! I am wating too... I have my weigh-in in 2 weeks. Once I pass that and do the PRT, I will get frocked too!!! Wish me luck!! I was only 1/2 inch off last time and have been trying my *kitten* off!!!
    in Welcome Comment by freels73 June 2012
  • It will get easier if you just keep to your diet and exercise. I am doing all that I can to stay in the last 2+ years that I have till I retire. Just find a reason. I have 2 failures and over 17 years and I just made first and haven't done my PRT so I didn't get frocked yet until I get measured and do it. That is…
    in Welcome Comment by freels73 June 2012
  • I have no Idea if they are here or not. I am not used to the way that this base works still. I am used to having a base that has more then 3000 military members and not having 25000 civilians!!!! Sorry!!!
  • I am an AT (Avionics Technician) in the Navy. I am and Advanced Calibration Technician. I am stationed at NAS Patuxent River, MD. I have been in for over 17 years and will be retiring in 2015. I can't wait!! I did 10+ years on ships and most of that time was in Japan. Hope the best of luck to you all!!!!
  • I know how you feel. I have to lose so much weight just to be in the Navy's standards. I am 6'4" and was a linemen in JR and HS. I played some when I was stationed in Japan too. I have always been a big guy. I hate that I have to do some kinda extreme actions to just make it. I have 2 in 4 years and I am at 17+ years in…
    in Welcome Comment by freels73 May 2012
  • I really don't have a plan. I am just working out as much as I can. I just did my BCA(measurments) and I was off a half an inch everywhere... boo!! So I have another chance in a month. I know that if I keep up my moto and get my butt in the gym as much as I can then I will be able to do it.. the only bad thing is that when…
    in About me Comment by freels73 May 2012