

  • Who was in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with Morgan Freeman
  • Its actually 1.5g of protein per KG of lean body mass. Someone who weighs 150lbs does not need 225g of protein, it is a waste and will be stored for other energies.
  • If you are talking about building muscle weight, then you will have to lift weights. Heavy compound movements, at least 3 times a week. If you are in a calorie surplus and doing no exercise, then yes your weight gains will be fat. Have a look on this website, I am a big fan of 5x5 training. Download the…
  • Haha I have put soy milk in my coffee, and she is right it was a terrible decision. Everyone has annoyances, I suppose with the modern times and forever advancing world we live in, then its only natural for our complaints to become relevant to our enviroments. Despite how trivial they may seem.
  • Who was in the Breakfast club with Emilio Estevez
  • Yeah I have accepted your friend request. I am approx 6 foot, and weigh 82kg. I am aiming to go up to 85kg. Can you drink shakes (protein and weight gainers), they are a great way to pack on the calories. Make sure you eat all the time, 3 to 4 meals a day and snack in between. Nuts are good for calories and protein. Always…
  • How did you work your maintenance calories out? Bare in mind that if you put your details into a basic site it will only give you resting maintenance and wont take into account your normal daily activities as well as any exercise you do. If you need to gain weight and fast I would recommend aiming for 3000 calories a day.…
  • Barefoot for deadlifts, flat plims for squats
  • Pull ups are a great compound movement that use multiple muscles. A strict pull up starting from a hanging position can be difficult if you have never done them before. Like people said above, Negatives are a great way to start to build strength up. Alternatively, place one foot on a chair and use it as support. As you get…
  • I try and take 2 steps at time, when at home I sometimes do jumps up the stairs. I also set myself goals where I get a reward. If I am looking forward to watching a film, or the football then I will say I have to do 50 pressups for 50 burpees before hand.
  • If you want to be different, then you have to change.