Every little helps.....

So am trying to exercise and eat healthy but I always think every little helps - stairs instead of lift, walk instead of bus etc. So I'm hoping people can throw out little things they do during the day to get a bit more exercise.

I have started squatting while brushing my teeth - maybe get about 30 in each time - so thats 60 a day more than before....

As I said every little helps.... can't wait to hear all of your suggestions!


  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    I like parking further away when I go to the shopping centre, I figure I am about to walk KILOMETERS around the shops anyway might as well add an extra 400 or so metres hey?
  • tindy5799
    tindy5799 Posts: 221 Member
    stand. whenever I can, instead of sitting, I stand. Or pace :)
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    When I go to someone else's office to talk to them, I tend to hunker down into what is known as a third world squat rather than sitting. I also converted my desk into a standing station, which seems to have helped immensely!
  • ionHouse
    I try and take 2 steps at time, when at home I sometimes do jumps up the stairs.

    I also set myself goals where I get a reward. If I am looking forward to watching a film, or the football then I will say I have to do 50 pressups for 50 burpees before hand.
  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    I try and take 2 steps at time, when at home I sometimes do jumps up the stairs.

    I also set myself goals where I get a reward. If I am looking forward to watching a film, or the football then I will say I have to do 50 pressups for 50 burpees before hand.

    I likethis idea! Rewarding yourself for doing something small. I might try this tonight while watching the TV!
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    I plank on the bathroom floor for as long as I can right before betting into the shower. Sounds silly but my water takes forever to warm up so I figure, why not?
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I try to squeeze in a little bit of exercise whenever I can. Each morning, my commute consists of a train ride where I have to transfer once and there is about 10 minutes of layover time so I walk up and down the platform until the next train arrives. At the office, I ALWAYS take the stairs to my cubicle on the fourth floor. Just little things like these add up over the weeks and months to a lot of burned calories.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Do 10 squats each time you use the bathroom.
    Jumping jacks / pushups while waiting for microwave/ kettle.
    Stand on one leg while witing in queues.
    Isometrics while driving/ waiting at traffic lights.
  • nerge
    nerge Posts: 52 Member
    Wow amazing ideas! didn't expect so many!! Love the squats before toilet haha can't wait to sneakly burn some calories!!!
  • nerge
    nerge Posts: 52 Member
    Also Isometrics?! What are they?
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Also Isometrics?! What are they?
    Squeeze baby.
    Try and squeeze your glutes or thighs together and hold. Repeat
  • Jill814
    Jill814 Posts: 30 Member
    do you have a desk job? have a friend who swapped out her chair with one of those exercise balls (i call them the ab balls) she loves it. will roll down and do a few crunches when she gets a break, etc