BelleRache Member


  • Same as me! Currently 135..
  • Ever tried Nutritional Yeast? Sounds hideous, looks a bit weird (like yellowish dandruff) and smells a bit funky but if you can get past all that it tastes pretty good. It's a yeast that is grown naturally and is rich in lots of vitamins - often used as a vegan 'cheesy' flavouring. And it's very low in calories. I too am a…
  • Hi This is something that's been bugging me too. I'm not really short (5'5") and I eat almost entirely whole unprocessed 'real' food. But 1200 cals of any kind of food, processed or not, is NOT ENOUGH, whatever size you are! I was given a starting calorie goal of 1320 - which I can do, but I end up like others have said,…
  • When my husband decides to cook(maybe once a month - he does work away from home most weeks though to be fair), he will find a recipe he likes the look of (the last one was an extremely calorific but incredible cheese souffle) and go and buy the ingredients, then use every pan in the kitchen and take 3 times as long as the…
  • Thanks I'm glad I can safely add in a few more calories - I don't want to eat loads more and still expect to lose weight, just a bit of leeway so I can enjoy things. I used to do weight watchers and although it worked I got fed up counting points - counting calories is not much better! I won't do it forever though, once…
  • Hi I'm new(ish) too! Been registered here since last April but only started using it more fully over the last couple of weeks. Am trying to shift around a stone so I can enjoy wearing my skinny jeans again. I was running quite a bit last year (got up to 10K) but it fizzled out as the autumn wore on. I restarted when it got…
  • Hi there - sorry to thread-butt but this is just what I came onto here to ask about. I'm still fairly new to MFP (this is my first board post) and I have been wondering the same thing. I am 5' 5", currently 136lb and looking to be 125 or thereabouts (as long as I can get back into my skinny jeans!) I've set my goal for the…