Hello! I'm new (ish)

I've been on MFP since the end of November but didn't know this website existed! Just wanted to say Hi really! :)
I'm 26 years old and am looking to lose a few more pounds.
I started getting more active/eating less last March and have lost 22lbs since then. Now I'm nearing my goal of 26lbs but I'm getting more relaxed and these last pounds are proving hard to shift! hee hee!

I would love to meet new 'pals' on here, more so ones that do most of their exercise using the wii or exercise DVDS... I don't have the spare cash to join a gym and it's pretty cold here in England at the moment! Brrrr!

If anyone wants to add me, then feel free :D

J x


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    happy if you want to add me for support. I am in the Midlands, and have decided not to splurge (yet) on gyms. I am walking my dog lots in the park, and also swimming 3 -4 times per week. Its cheaper, no gadgets and seems to be working. Good luck
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Feel free to add me. I joined MFP towards the end of October last year. Although I'm from the other side of the world (think land Downunder), I'm slowly adding a network of "pals" on here to help support and motivate me.
    I do most of my exercise by lunch time walks (to get out of the office) and workouts at home. Even years ago when I had a gym membership I never seemed to find the time to get there. What works for me is being able to work out when I am ready and on my time ...... Good luck on your personal journey to losing weight / fitness / health :)
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I do all my working out at home as I work long hours and when im done, I just do not feel like getting back out. I have several DVDs and love them all. Also, Youtube is full of workout videos to shake things up a bit.

    Often those last few pounds become harder because as you said, we get more relaxed and start to splurge or stop the exercise. Now that you are here, you have some support to keep you on track. Together we can accomplish anything
  • shandi, Yeah that's what I find, I need to do it at a slowish pace and make it enjoyable! I've set a very realistic goal of 0.5lb a week because I know I love my food! :D

  • Often those last few pounds become harder because as you said, we get more relaxed and start to splurge or stop the exercise. Now that you are here, you have some support to keep you on track. Together we can accomplish anything

    Yep! I'm trying to keep going but now I can see how much different I look, I want to go out more but that can mean eating out and drinking out! :D

  • BelleRache
    BelleRache Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm new(ish) too!

    Been registered here since last April but only started using it more fully over the last couple of weeks. Am trying to shift around a stone so I can enjoy wearing my skinny jeans again.

    I was running quite a bit last year (got up to 10K) but it fizzled out as the autumn wore on. I restarted when it got so mild over Christmas (I'm in Yorkshire) but now it's icy and snowy so finding it a bit difficult. For exercise, I've been throwing myself around the house dancing for 1/2 an hour a day, long walks (currently waiting to start a new job so got the time) and using a smallish (5lb) weight to work my arms.

    Can be hard to keep up the healthy eating when it's cold, I'm home alone (husband working away) and I just want to curl up with chocolate and wine!

    Hope I can keep motivation on here! The success stories with pics are very addictive to read..

    All the best!:smile: