I'm 5'0" and eat 1500 calories. My story of weight loss.

Hi fellow MFP'ers,

Upon the new year I have noticed a lot of new people with a lot of questions. There's been a lot of the whole 1200 calorie argument thing. This post isn't a dig at anyone who eats a particular amount of calories. So with that being stated, try not to fight too much. I just wanted to share my experience briefly. I hope someone might benefit from it. But first my stats:

Age: 33
Height: 5'0"
SW: 134
CW: 106
GW: I'm fine where I am. Pounds don't matter at this stage for me. Up 1 down 2 whatever. My clothes fit and I feel good.
Calorie intake: 1500 a day give or take, my diary is open (some weekends I skip logging, I skipped the holidays and I skipped when I had surgery in December).
Workouts: 3-5 days a week, cardio, yoga, and strength

I wanted to tell you what I did because as a very petite woman I've seen time and time again that short ladies should eat 1200 calories or even go lower than that, just because we are short. It's lately been kind of annoying me. Just to clarify, I did start at 1200 like most people did on here, blindly following MFP's numbers they gave me. I was also working out at least 7 hours a week. I started with not eating back exercise calories. I realized wow, I'm starving. So I started eating them back. Then my weight loss plateaued. I started doing "doubles" at the gym (i.e. back to back classes for hours, just killing myself). I didn't know what to do as I couldn't possibly eat less nor could I work out any more hours or I would most definitely hurt myself. I did a lot of research at this point. I looked into BMR, TDEE, Eat More to Weigh Less, etc. So I upped my calories. Slowly. I have to admit I was terrified to eat more. This is when I began to realize that maybe I was being too obsessive with my calorie counting. I let go of the reigns and eventually settled on 1500 calories a day (gross, not net).

And guess what? I lost more weight! I eased back on my crazy amounts of cardio/gym classes and started eating more food (whole foods, lots of protein) and adjusted my macros. It took me a year to end up here and I feel amazing. Some weeks I go without logging. I cut myself a break. I have a glass of wine. I want people to read this at the BEGINNING of their journeys so that maybe it will save someone the 6 months that I tortured myself. I was so hungry and so tired. Now I feel human and normal.

And if 1200 works for you then it works for you. I'm not judging or telling anyone what to do. I just really want people to know (and especially short people like myself) that you can eat food and to be gentle with yourself. It's not a race and this is a lifestyle, something sustainable for the long haul.

Good luck! (and be kind to each other and yourself)


  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I started here at 148lbs and 4'11, eating only 1000-1200 calories a day. I did end up losing that way but I was miserable. I only started upping my calories during fall 2012 and it didn't really affect my weight loss but it did lead to better moods and better workouts. It's hard to tell because my progress was so messed up in the aftermath of "superstorm" Sandy (let's just call it a hurricane because "super storm" sounds super stupid). I was down to 115lbs in October 2012 but two weeks of no power, heat, or fresh food brought me up to 127lbs. I didn't get back "on the wagon" until around the holidays and it's taken me until now to get down to 123lbs.

    For the past 3 weeks I've been going to the gym 5-6 times a week, sometimes even twice a day. I do about 30mins of what I consider circuit training (weights, squats, abs) and then 30-60mins of cardio (c25k, elliptical, or walking at full incline). I net anywhere from 900-1600 depending on the day. The 900 calorie days are realllly infrequent, maybe once a week or every other week when I just don't feel all that hungry. I still don't "eat clean" and I don't know if I'll ever get into that habit, but something tells me I have to if I ever want to get to my goal (105-110).
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I'm also 5 foot but eat closer to 1400-1500 net and even eat 2000 on some days 1200 is ridiculous I can eat that by lunch time. But I also workout 6xs/week and weigh 117 but happy at a size 3-4! My goal was also 107-110 but its too hard and I love food/weights too much to lose 7-10 lbs. I definitely agree us Shorties can eat more! :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    That's what its about.

    Figuring out your numbers and your goals as well as reasonable weekly goals.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm 4ft 11, and also started on 1200. It made me tired, dizzy, cold, etc.

    Then i got advice on TDEE, BMR etc, and I switched to 1600 a day, and the inches came off much better.

    For most people who do exercise, 1200 will not be enough. Even the shorties :)
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for this. I needed it. I *know* I should eat more but I'm only just starting to realise it. I frequently binge like CRAZY when I'm eating 1000 kcals or less and then end up miserable. :grumble: If I eat a sensible amount of calories, I will be able to get those pounds off a lot easier. I need to sit down and properly work out my TDEE again (not half a*sed like I normally do) and go from there.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you so much :)!

    I think us "shorties" kinda get it pounded into our heads that we will not lose any weight if we eat anything above 1200 calories. I lost 65 Lbs on 1200 calories and hit 3 months of no loss and had no idea what was going on :(! Im 30Lbs away from my goal and after doing some research/reading on here I realized that people shorter/smaller then me were eating 1500+ net calories!

    I have been upping my calories 100 every 2-3 weeks and I have been seeing weight loss :)
  • BelleRache
    BelleRache Posts: 7 Member

    This is something that's been bugging me too. I'm not really short (5'5") and I eat almost entirely whole unprocessed 'real' food. But 1200 cals of any kind of food, processed or not, is NOT ENOUGH, whatever size you are! I was given a starting calorie goal of 1320 - which I can do, but I end up like others have said, cold, hungry, miserable and unable to sleep (my brain won't calm down and sleep if I'm hungry so I end up getting out of bed for a snack, always just a couple of dry oatcakes but if I have to get out of a nice warm bed when it's below freezing cos I'm too hungry to sleep then something's not right!) Working out my BMR of just over 1400 cals this week made me think - eating below the amount that my body needs simply to survive is surely not healthy in anyone's book.

    I always eat my exercise calories back as doing lots of exercise makes me hungrier. And I have decided to up my calories to 1500 to see how I feel on that. That's 1500 cals net, not gross. If you eat 1500 cals gross then exercise off 500 of them you're still only eating 1000 cals - again, not enough!

    In the UK it's really cold at the moment, and we get a horrible damp cold that seeps through your bones. Eating below your body's calorie requirements during weather like this is probably not a good idea and almost bound to fail.

    Like the OP said, we can cut ourselves a bit of slack - this is a lifestyle change not a short term 'diet'. For me, it's more about mindful eating and realising I can eat less. But not so little that I can't keep it up. I need to find that balance..
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  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
  • What a great post. I have struggled with my weight for many years due to PCOS. The one I have learned is that I need to eat to lose weight (not strave or deprive myself) My body and my condition needs to get regular nutritional input. I too do not eat much if any processed - with the exception of baked beans which I love and are a great option for me as a vegetarian when needing a quick meal!

    I too started on MFP trying to eat 1200 or less. I am 5'1".

    However I am now eating 1500 calories a day and exercising a couple of times of week (not killing myself) and I am losing slowly and steadily which I know is by far the best way to do this.

    Thanks to posting your thoughts
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Good post :drinker:
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for this post!
    I'm still trying to wrap my head around this concept as i'm so afraid of binging and gaining weight, but recently I have been experimenting with upping my calories through extra good fats (i follow a primal way of eating) and it seems to be giving me more energy and igniting a bit of weight loss. Fingers crossed!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Awesome post!

    I'm 5'1 and also on 1500cals/Day, it's been a struggle finding the right goal to shoot for :)
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Well done, congrats, and thank you for sharing this with others. It's important for others to know it's ok to eat.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Hi fellow MFP'ers,

    Upon the new year I have noticed a lot of new people with a lot of questions. There's been a lot of the whole 1200 calorie argument thing. This post isn't a dig at anyone who eats a particular amount of calories. So with that being stated, try not to fight too much. I just wanted to share my experience briefly. I hope someone might benefit from it. But first my stats:

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 134
    CW: 106
    GW: I'm fine where I am. Pounds don't matter at this stage for me. Up 1 down 2 whatever. My clothes fit and I feel good.
    Calorie intake: 1500 a day give or take, my diary is open (some weekends I skip logging, I skipped the holidays and I skipped when I had surgery in December).
    Workouts: 3-5 days a week, cardio, yoga, and strength

    I wanted to tell you what I did because as a very petite woman I've seen time and time again that short ladies should eat 1200 calories or even go lower than that, just because we are short. It's lately been kind of annoying me. Just to clarify, I did start at 1200 like most people did on here, blindly following MFP's numbers they gave me. I was also working out at least 7 hours a week. I started with not eating back exercise calories. I realized wow, I'm starving. So I started eating them back. Then my weight loss plateaued. I started doing "doubles" at the gym (i.e. back to back classes for hours, just killing myself). I didn't know what to do as I couldn't possibly eat less nor could I work out any more hours or I would most definitely hurt myself. I did a lot of research at this point. I looked into BMR, TDEE, Eat More to Weigh Less, etc. So I upped my calories. Slowly. I have to admit I was terrified to eat more. This is when I began to realize that maybe I was being too obsessive with my calorie counting. I let go of the reigns and eventually settled on 1500 calories a day (gross, not net).

    And guess what? I lost more weight! I eased back on my crazy amounts of cardio/gym classes and started eating more food (whole foods, lots of protein) and adjusted my macros. It took me a year to end up here and I feel amazing. Some weeks I go without logging. I cut myself a break. I have a glass of wine. I want people to read this at the BEGINNING of their journeys so that maybe it will save someone the 6 months that I tortured myself. I was so hungry and so tired. Now I feel human and normal.

    And if 1200 works for you then it works for you. I'm not judging or telling anyone what to do. I just really want people to know (and especially short people like myself) that you can eat food and to be gentle with yourself. It's not a race and this is a lifestyle, something sustainable for the long haul.

    Good luck! (and be kind to each other and yourself)

    Awesome job! Even though I'm almost a foot taller, I thank you for this post. I'm so tired of seeing all these people eat so low calories and kill themselves at the gym because they think they won't succeed otherwise. What they don't get is what happens when they need to switch to maintenance and they've lowered their metabolism soooo low that they can hardly eat anything any more without gaining?
  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Well said, I have had the same experience as you except I am about 3x times your size :-) Anyway, nicely done and you look great.
  • Sla6adm
    Sla6adm Posts: 31
    Thank you for sharing. I completely agree different things work for different people.

    I have lost 3 stone by eating approximately 1100 calories a day, as recommended by my doctor. However, due to various medical reasons, I live a very sedentary lifestyle so this figure works for me. However, if I was in a position to go to the gym 5 x a week, then I would have to up it.

    It is all about trial and error. When I hit my target weight later this year, I will then re-evaluate my eating intake.

    Whatever your intake it, try and ensure you get vitamins and calcium so you don't become malnourished (as you can be malnourished and fat!). I say this because there is a worrying amount of people on here who feel they can live 100% off chocolate!!!!
  • flabbyghirl
    flabbyghirl Posts: 4 Member
    Great wee post for a newby like myself, i too am 5ft, il be starting on 1200, and just getting back into exercise so il see how it goes, thanks for the advice x
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. I am 5'3" and not losing weight. I have been losing inches, but I after reading your post, I think I need to retrain my mind. Thanks!!!
  • can someone tell me what/where BMR and TDEE are? I am 5'2" and would like to investigate those sites for a proper calories goal. Thanks.