KLJ13 Member


  • Check out hasfit they are on Youtube and have their own web page, hasfit.com. It's a husband and wife, they have super easy work outs for those with limited physical abilities, all the way up through MMA/kickboxing type. I have used their video's for over a year now and love it!
  • YEP, Zen labs too. I just finished week 7. I never thought I would be able to run 22 minutes straight, but this program has worked well for me. I am 49 and decided that before my 50th birthday next year, I wanted to do something I've never done. So this was what I picked. I am LOVING this program.
  • I am a 49 year old, 40 pounds overweight, asthmatic. 7 weeks ago I couldn't run 1 minute. I started the couch to 5k interval training, and today I ran 23 minutes and felt like I could go longer. I swear by the interval training! I am 2 weeks away from finishing this program and I am looking forward to actually running my…
  • Is there a way to follow this board? Is there a group set up or do I just have to search for this post every time? Is anybody else using TurboFire for this challenge? [/quote] When you click on the message board, there is an option for "My Topics". I found it that way.
  • I have been looking for a challenge like this. I might be the old lady of the group though. I will be 46 in a couple weeks, but I realized my kids have never seen me skinny. Name: Kris Current weight 172.2 Goal weight 150
  • Wow, thanks everyone for such quick replies. It sounds like what I am doing, is what a lot of you recommended. The tennis ball HAS become my new favorite thing. Who would think sitting on a ball would be helpful! :happy:
  • Sometimes you crave because your body is lacking certain vitamins or minerals. Try to eat a well rounded diet. You may find the cravings go away. I am noticing I feel way better and crave less when I cut the carbs. That may not be the case for all people, but it has helped me. I still eat them, I just try to make sure they…
  • I just went backwards! I have gained 6 of my 11 pounds lost. I need motivation too! This will be a good motivator for me. Starting at 168.8! Yuck! I never wanted to see that number again and yet here I am. Time to go for it! Goal weight 150. Gotta be realistic. Would like to see 130 at the very end of this journey!
  • How is everyone doing? I started on Tuesday with this, and am down another pound already. I think this was the motivation I needed. I don't want to tell my husband I am doing this, I want to see if he notices!! :-) Good luck everyone and keep on going!
  • I have never responded to anything on MFP before, but have hit a rut. I think a challenge may be what I need. I am in!! SW 166 Goal 150 It may be a HUGE challenge for me, but I will give it my best!